|18| Founders Day Preparation

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Madeline POV

Today I'm with Tyler helping him design the history float for the parade. I won't be on that float because I'm on the main one as the winner but I'll still help my boyfriend. He has been nominated to be the team leader.
"You just pick your team, be creative and don't screw up" Ric says while walking away.
"You two wanna help me out with this?" He asks me and Matt. I nod and agree but Matt declines.
"Fine, your helping me ;)" he says smirking.
Caroline's working on the main float I told her I didn't actually care how it looked as long as I'm front and Center. I'm about to help Tyler when Damon texts.
Rics room asap. X
I immediately leave Tyler and head to the history classroom. I open the door and go inside while.
"Madeline thanks for coming" Ric smiles.
"Sorry I'm late. The dog ate my uh... never mind" I say nothing Stefan and Elena. Me and Stefan haven't properly talked since I got him back from the edge and I don't really want to he's an abusive person end of story.
"What's all the furrowed brows?" Damon asks who's clearly not been filled in yet.
"I saw Isobel last night." Ric says.
"Ooooo, how fun! More chaos in the world of Elena Gilbert" I say laughing but Stefan whacks my arm and i whisper
"Again with the abuse" only so he can hear he clearly did because he immediately frowns.
"Isobel's here?" Damon questions.
"Mmh" Ric says.
"Did you ask her about uncle John? Are they working together?" Damon questions.
"No " Ric says.
"No they aren't?" I ask.
"No I didn't ask" he says getting annoyed.
"The invention?" I ask.
"Didn't ask" he replies.
"Tomb vampires?" Damon asks
"Didn't ask" Alaric says.
" did words completely escape you?" Damon says getting in Alaric's face u stand up from my desk and separate them while Ric says " I was a little too distracted by my dead vampire wife to ask any questions"
"What does she want?" I ask.
"She wants to see me" Elena says.
"Of fucking course" I groan.
"Alaric is supposed to arrange a meeting. We don't know why or what she wants" Alaric says.
"You don't have to see her if you don't want to Elena" I say smiling. I hate Elena but if she doesn't want to I'm making sure she doesn't.
"I don't really have a choice" Elena says.
"I'll show that bitch a choice" I say.
"She threatening to go on a killing spree" Alaric says.
"Oh" I say.
" I take it that's not okay with you guys?" Damon questions.
"I want to do it, I wanna meet her. If I don't I know I'll regret it." Elena says.

They meet at the grill and Stefan and I are going to stand by so that if anything happens we can stop it straight away. We both listen to what happens. Katherine found Isobel after she was turned sounds like they are best friends. Isobel knows that we are here, she knows our names she also knows Damon, she knows the past of the Salvatore's just like the rest of us do. She wants the Gilbert invention. She knows that Damon has the invention and we have to give it to her tonight. Fun.

Isobel took Jeremy so that means we now literally have to give her the damm device! UGHH. Damon's gave the device to Bonnie who is going to remove the spell around the device there for it won't be able to be used against us. Because if she doesn't it will quite literally kill us all. All the vampires that is.

Elena meets Isobel in the town square.
"Where's the device?" Isobel asks.
"Where's my brother?" Elena fires back.
"This isn't a negotiation where the invention?" Isobel says.
"Where's my brother?" Elena asks crossing her arms.
"Do you really think I came alone?" Isobel asked. While a man and woman appear behind her. I then swoop in kill both of them and say.
"Do you really think she came alone?" While pointing to Stefan and Damon. I stand beside Elena refusing to leave her alone
She turns and looks at them then agrees.
"For god sakes call home" Isobel says Elena then calls home and checks that Jeremy's there, he is there so Elena hands over the missing piece of the puzzle.
" don't look for any redeeming qualities in me. I don't have any" Isobel says.
" but you took a risk with Damon. How did you know he was gonna give it to me?" Elena questions. I already know the answer to this.
"Because he's in love with you" Isobel and I both say at the same time.
Once the device is in Isobel's hands she says her goodbyes and leaves, god knows where she's going or why but she's gone that's all that matters now.

Once we get home I plop down on the couch so glad that the days over. Stefan then comes over to me.
"Hey, are you doing alright?" He asks.
"I'm fine dad." I say.
"I never got to say sorry for what I have done" he says.
"Cool." I reply.
"You've changed? Your not like you where before? You used to be so sweet like your mother now your a lot like Damon" he says.
"Oh my god! I spend more time with Damon! He's the one in this house who actually cares for me you don't give a shit! And honestly if mother was here she would woop your ass for being an abusive father!" I yell.
"I'm not abusive" he says.
"You are and we all know it" I say and get up and go to my room. I hate having this conversation he's never sorry he always does these things over and over again. Abusing me then saying sorry both mentally and physically. I just want my fucking mother to be here and to help me.

Madeleine Branson ~The One That's Never Chosen~Where stories live. Discover now