|3| Now she knows

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Madeline POV

They all leave the house again, it's been what, a week since my mum died and nobody in this place gives a shit. An hour later Stefan returns and comes up to my room.
"Madi?" He asks and I nod.
" I'm staying in mystic falls, it's not safe here and Elena needs me" he says and I actually laugh at him.
"Oh yeh Elena the girl you fell in love with needs you not your 16 year old daughter" I laugh again.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled at you about looking like her, if anything it's more comforting, I get to see her almost everyday by just looking at you. I shouldn't have tried to send you away, I can't do that to you I was just grieving" he says.
"That's just the thing Stefan, YOU the dad has been grieving but did you forget she was my mother, did you forget that I'm the one who would be grieving the most?" I question.
"I know I'm sorry, how have you been doing?" He asks.
"I'm loosing my mind! I have spent a week! Wondering when somebody would check on me! When somebody would try and help me! But nobody, nobody showed, you were to busy grieving and worrying about Elena" I say almost in tears.
"I know I'm sorry I'm so sorry" he says getting closer to me on my bed.
"I want her back dad, I just want my mom, I just want my mom" I cry and he immediately grabs me and pulls me to his chest. I push myself closer and closer until I feel like I can't get any closer to him right now.
" I know, I know" he says petting my head. I somehow fall asleep, somehow it brings me joy that he said sorry but I also don't know who to trust anymore. I wake up to Damon complaining on the phone to Stefan.
"What's going on?" I ask walking into his room.
"Logan, newest vamp in town" he replies.
"Can I help?"  I ask.
"Not today Madi, can't have my little niece dying" he says smirking.
"Oh so you can care about a Branson huh?" I ask smirking back.
"I always cared about your mother she was just collateral" he says smiling.
" Fuck wit!!" I yell while he moves past me and down the stairs to leave.

I walk downstairs and sat down on the sofa, I grabbed the nearest book and started reading. Bad idea. The book was about a girl who lost her mother pretty ironic right? It was a good read, the girl moved on found love and had kids. That's what I want, except I didn't want my mum to be gone she was supposed so be here, with me. I feel a tear fall down my face and immediately wipe it, I can't cry, not again. I can't seem to stop fucking crying just tear after tear after tear. It makes me feel weak, but then I think what my mum would say she would tell me " everybody has a weakness but having feelings isn't one of them".

I fell asleep on the couch once again, I always fall asleep on this god damm couch! Over and over again. That's until I wake up and hear Elena and Stefan talking. I sit up straight wipe the tears that fell during my sleep and listen into the conversation. My dad lied, he is leaving town, he was just going to say goodbye to Elena first. So yet again he lies and puts her first but the lovely Elena Gilbert saved the day by confessing her undying love for my fucked up dad. That's when him and Elena come into the house kissing over and over until they make their way upstairs. That is after my dad has his little ripper fit thingy. I'm hiding because I'm not ruining this, I can take the piss later. Long story short they had Sex, and I got to hear every single thing, despite my resistance.

They eventually stop and just talk and snuggle. It's cute but I also wish he was doing that with my mother, I know they didn't have a sexual relationship but I still wish she was here. He eventually leaves the room and once he's gone I go inside.
"Heyyy, that sounded fun" I say laughing but Elena's too busy looking at a picture, she quickly gets dressed and leaves without talking to me. I walk over and take one glance at the picture and immediately know it's Kathrine.
"Elena? Oh Madi? Where's Elena?" He asks.
"Don't know she saw this and left this" I say showing the picture then the necklace.



Please and thanks

Madeleine Branson ~The One That's Never Chosen~Where stories live. Discover now