|12| Stefan's Back

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Madeline POV

We show up to the house again. This time we let Alaric go in rather than us. He's going to ask to use a phone that way we can get in after he continues his plan. Damon and I are at the back door. Damon gets him out the house and kills her so we can get in. We go in as quickly as we can and start going for vampires. The first three are successful without any fighting back but after that things get harder. We make it to the basement and kill another couple when we see Elena.
"DAMIT ELENA!" I yell.
We make it into the place where Stefan is and I go to kill the vampire holding him but Stefan stops me. He then try's to safe the other vampire. Damon and I then distract aka kill the rest of our lovely group of friends. I go for the leader the one who attacked them yesterday. He try's to get a grip on me but I'm stronger again. He's so confused but I attack him harder I then get dragged away by two men who I then get off me and start killing the rest of them. I then run to find Frederick the leader. Found out his name by eavesdropping. I then find Frederick back on Stefan's ass about to kill him. I run behind him and shove a vervain needle into him causing him to fall over. Elena runs out the car and grabs a hold on Stefan I knew he was fine so I leave him be but Elena's having a fit. "Stefan! No Stefan!" Blah blah blah. I notice Frederick starting to get up again and watch Elena try and feed Stefan with her blood. Great now he's gonna go ripper mode! Frederick stands up and goes to kill Stefan once again but instead I grab a stake and kill him. I then watch Stefan almost go ripper on Elena. Shit.
"Dad. Dad come on let's get into the car" i say and walk him to the car.

Once we get home Stefan thanks me over and over while we wait for Damon then he just thanks me over and over but eventually they stop and I go to bed I'm tired and need some sleep.

The next day I knew something was wrong with my dad but I couldn't figure it out until I literally watched Damon put human blood right I front of his face and he almost went for it. He's a ripper again. The last time this happened my mother was the one who saved him now she's gone and unfortunately Stefan may be now as-well.

Damon and I show up at Elena's because she's worried about Stefan or something.
"I'm worried about Stefan. He's says everything okay but he's clearly struggling. How long before he's back to normal?"Elena asks
"Few days give or take" Damon replies. Liar.
"It's been a few days" Elena points out.
"Give then I don't know" he says.
" it all depends on how we help him. My mother normally helped him but since somebody killed her she won't be any good so who else?" I ask.
Elena and Damon say at the same time.
"Me, I will help him he loves me he wouldn't hurt me" Elena says smiling.
"So nobody's gonna tell her okay?" I said laughing.
"Look Stefan will do what he does and Madeline! Will help she's his daughter not you Elena." Damon says.
After Damon and I take the piss a bit we head home.
"Your looking un usual" I say walking into the living room while Stefan downs a bourbon.
"I'm fine really" he says smiling.
"Oh yeh? Then why are you acting like a freaking ripper?" I ask. He slams me onto a wall and I reverse it with my super strength.
"Don't test me dad. And don't try abuse me I'm your child not a toy. I'm going to help you wether you want it or not" I say and then leave him.



Please and thanks

Madeleine Branson ~The One That's Never Chosen~Where stories live. Discover now