|7| The Big Betreyal

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Madeline POV

Stefan and Damon went out to find this stupid grimoire or the stupid book and I don't or care. Of course I wasn't going to listen. I spent all day searching and I finally found them, at Giuseppe Salvatore's grave.
"Hey guys what's chillin!"'I yell walking over. I look over and notice the grave, I read the name and my heart sinks.
"What's going on?" I ask
"Your supposed to be at home!"Stefan says turning around.
" why are you digging his grave up?" I question.
"It doesn't matter, you didn't meet him and he was a horrible man get away from here now Madeline." Stefan says now almost yelling. I stand for a minute slightly annoyed, I know I didn't meet him but he is still my grandfather. Instead of stopping him I grab a shovel and join in, when I said my mother told me everything she told me everything. I know exactly how he acted and how he treated his own children I couldn't imagine somebody doing that to me. We all stay quite until finally I hit something, immediately Stefan moves me out of the way and begins to dust it off, I stand beside Elena slightly scared. Stefan opens the tomb and there is a skeleton and THE BOOK.
"Good let's berry the fucker again and continue our lives" I say just as Damon shows up.
"Well what do you know. This is an interesting turn of events" Damon says.
"This will be good" i whisper.

" I can't let you bring her back. I'm sorry." Stefan says.
"So am I" Damon says at first I'm confused but then he continues.
"For thinking for even a second I could trust you." Damon says. I understand him but I also know exactly how evil he is/ can be.
"You are not capable of trust. The fact you're here means you read the journal. You were planning on doing this yourself" Stefan says.
"Dad leave it, you both didn't trust one another" I say.
" of course, because the only one I can count on is me. You made sure of that many years ago Stefan. " Damon says.
"But you. You had me fooled. I thought I could trust you, I actually believe I still can." Damon says looking at me.
"Your just like your mother in that way, and at first I hated it now it's something I've grown to like about you" he says.
" so what are you gonna do now? Because if you try and destroy that I'll rip her heart out" Damon says pointing to me.
"Then I'll turn her" Damon says pointing to Elena.
" you wouldn't"  Stefan says.
Damon then speeds over and grabs us both by the arm.
" pick one, either I turn Elena or kill madeline" Damon says looking at us both. It feels like an hour goes by while Stefan makes is choice but in the end he makes one.
"Elena, give me Elena" he says and Damon hands Elena over.
"SCREW YOU!" I scream and I feel stronger than him, and for a second I do get free but I don't get away quick enough when his arms are back around me. He then shoves his hand into my chest and grips at my heart.
"The book Stefan. Or I will kill her right here right now" he says.  Instead of making the decision straight away Stefan pauses.
"Elena go wait in the car" he says turning to her and kissing her cheek.
I watch as Elena leaves and it's now just me and my fucked up family.
"Come on stefie" Damon says smirking.
"Dad please" I beg tears in my eyes.
"Fine but, let her heart go first" Stefan says. Damon let's go of my heart and spins me to his chest.
"You and I are very similar, both being fucked around by Stefan. He won't ever trust me and he won't ever love you enough" Damon says before pushing me into Stefan. Stefan hands over the book and I walk behind Stefan. He immediately grabs my hand and walks away.
" what the hell! You picked your girlfriend over me! YOU BETRAYED ME! YOUR CHILD! SOME FUCKING DAD HUH!"I yell. Instead of answering me he continues walking.
We get in the car and he drives to Elena's, he told me to wait in the car but after an hour of waiting he didn't return so I got out the car and walked away. I didn't know where I was going but I knew I wasn't finding any happiness with my dad he was only going to pick somebody else over me.

I ended in the cemetery, I had two graves I could visit, either my mother or my grandfather. Surprisingly I go to Giuseppe Salvatore's Grave. I don't know why exactly but I did. I grabbed a shovel and started putting all the dirt back into the grave. Once finished I sit in the dark alone. I actually start crying.
" you, you did this to him! If you and showed him how to be a parent a good one he would be better!" I yell. I remain there for a good hour yelling at this man's grave. I then make my way to my mothers grave. It's nothing much I made it a while back when she was first killed.
"Mother, I wish you were here, if it where me and lee in that position I know you would have picked me. Lee would have picked me aswell. If it was me and you that it." I say sobbing.
"I miss you now more than ever, mystic falls isn't my home." I say sobbing again. For a moment I swear I feel her hands on mine, and I feel a tight squeeze. I'm almost sure I'm imagining it but that was exactly what I needed. If I want a happy life here I need to make one for myself. I don't know how but I know it starts with putting an end to Elena Gilbert .



Please and thanks

Madeleine Branson ~The One That's Never Chosen~Where stories live. Discover now