|15| Miss Mystic Falls?

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Madeline POV

Caroline agreed to help me get ready because my mothers obviously dead an all I can't actually have her help me.
"So whys your mother not in town?" She asks.
"She's umm she passed away care" I say smiling while Caroline curls my hair.
"Oh wow Madeline I'm so sorry" she says.
"It's alright, thanks for helping me with my hair I can do the makeup myself just not the hair" I say smiling.
"It's fine, your doing my makeup for me so it's fine" she smiles.
After she does my hair I do her makeup then we both finish getting ready and get our dresses on. Caroline looks amazing actually they all do, but personally I feel like I look a little better. My dress looks perfect on me honestly I am surprised by that considering Tyler bought it.

Damon has just told Elena and i that Stefan still drinking human blood. I'm raging.
" so can we please let me try now!" I yell.
"No it's fine I'm going to get through to him" Elena says.
"Elena stop it! Your not his only priority okay! I know your parents are dead and you need somebody but that person can't always be Stefan! He's my dad not yours! I'm helping now end of! It's your fault he's like this!" I yell then Stefan walks in.
"What's going on in here. Wow Madeline you look great." He says smiling.
"Save it." I say growling.
"Just filling the girlies in on your extra curricular activities" Damon says smirking.
"What are you talking about?" Stefan asks.
" we know about the blood dad" I groan.
Damon then excuses himself leaving me and Elena with Stefan.
"I was gonna tell you" Stefan says walking over to Elena completely ignoring me.
"When?" She questions.
"I'm fine, the blood doesn't change anything" Stefan says. He doesn't think I'm that fucking dumb does he?
"Liar. Your completely different and your ignoring me a lot more now. That's because you know I'll help, you know I'm too much like Her." I say and he looks at me.
" oh come on I always ignore you" he laughs. Wow that hurt.
"Screw you. Im done with your bullshit. Your always ignoring me and putting Elena before me when let's be real here the only reason your remotely interested in the girl is because she looks like Katherine." I say laughing.
"You shut your mouth she's not Katherine" he says pushing me into a wall but of course I reverse it.
"There you go again. Abusing me. Your always shoving me into walls or chocking me. I can't wait to meet Katherine because she must be better for you than her" I say pointing to Elena and then I leave the room.

"Miss Tina fell. Escorted by Bartholomew Whitmore" Mr Lockwood says going through the list of girls. I'm next.
"Miss Madeline Salvatore escorted by Tyler Lockwood" he announces . In this town I have realised my last name is very important. So legally I'm Madeline Salvatore- Branson. If I choose to tell somebody my name is Madeline Branson I'm not lying and same with if I say it's Madeline Salvatore. So for this particular event I'm a Salvatore because I felt my chances of winning would be better this way, and nobody in this town actually knows that I'm Stefan's daughter so having Branson would be confusing. I start to walk down the steps. My heart goes so fast until I lock eyes with Tyler he's standing there waiting and he looks amazing. His eyes aren't looking my body up and down they are stuck on my eyes. I get to the bottom and he holds out his hand and I take it.
"You look amazing in that dress" he smiles.
"Oh yeh? That cause you picked it?" I question.
"No because the green matches your eyes" he says smiling.

Once we get outside we begin our dance.
"So how am I doing so far?" Tyler questions while we dance.
"I've been on worse dates" I say giggling but I immediately stop because I hate my laugh.
"Don't stop, your laugh is cute, a lot like you" he says winking.
The dancing wasn't the best but I had a fun time with Tyler he's really nice. He's also very much like me lying about his family so that people will think he's perfect. I don't care if he's perfect, he's cute end of.

After the dancing Mr Lockwood is announcing the winner.
"So without further ado, it's my honour to announce our very own miss mystic falls, Madeline Salvatore." He announces everybody starts clapping for me. The mayor comes over and puts a ribbon around me and I smile and thank him.

The rest of the night is somewhat fun, Tyler and I just chat and laugh. He's such a funny person and I'm glad we talked but eventually I leave him because I need to find my father. He's missing and the amber girl is MIA.

We find him and Elena goes for him first.
"Dad come on" I say walking over to him, he pushes me but I shove him harder with my strength then Bonnie uses her mind control to fry his brain.
He calms down immediately and looks at me, then Elena and runs of.
"I'll go after him" Elena says.
"I AM GOING AFTER HIM!" I yell and speed after him. As I'm running I text bonnie.
Madeline- thanks bonnie you really helped us there I owe you x
Bonnie- it's fine, your nothing like your family and that's why I did it, your clearly struggling so I helped xx

Once I get home I can't find Stefan but Anna and Pearl are there. I walk straight past them and allow Damon to deal with the bitches. I can't be arsed anymore. I need to find my dad. I get in and immediately run to his room to see he's already here.
"You shouldn't be here" he says looking at me.
" I know. But I am" I say.
"No I meant Elena" he says and I turn around to see Elena five steps behind me. She then walks ahead and starts to talk to him.
"That wasn't you" she says.
" oh it was absolutely me. A monster a predator it's who I am Elena." He says.
"That's what the blood makes you" she says.
"Elena leave. Now. Your being idiotic of course that's what makes him like this but that's how vampires are we feed . We left you in control to help him and you failed so for the last time tonight I am doing this not you so get the fuck! Out of my house!" I yell and grab her and push her out the room. She squeals and runs away.
"Dad?" I question. He turns away. Okay so the nice method won't be working. I walk over to him and punch him right in the face.
"That's for being a dick of a dad" I say.
"That's for not letting me help" I say hitting him again.
"And that's for because I needed it" I say hitting him once again.
" I wanted to drain every ounce of blood from that girls body" he says.
"I know you do. But I'm going to help you" I say and he looses it.
"STOP!" He yells punching me in the face. I grab my face and push him of if me.
"NO IM SO SORRY" he says and begins to cry, he falls into me and I stab him with a vervain needle and he falls to the ground.




Please and thanks

Madeleine Branson ~The One That's Never Chosen~Where stories live. Discover now