|9| Goodbye Lee

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Madeline POV

After listening to the conversation last night with Damon and my dad I don't feel as much anger towards Stefan now. He only chose her because he knew Damon wouldn't hurt me. I'm not saying I'm okay with it now because I'm not, but I don't feel as annoyed.

I walk downstairs and see a million and one women dancing while Damon eats them all.
"Seriously!" I say laughing. I walk down and but on one of their wrists and join him, only for five minutes tho because then Stefan arrives.
"Can we talk?" Stefan asks.
"Without Madeleine" he says turning to me.
"You know I'm gonna listen anyways" I say and he nods agreeing.
" your worried about me, that's nice don't be. I'm fine. I have spent the last 145 years with one goal: get in that tomb. I succeeded granted Kathrine wasn't in there to be rescued but why dwell? You know it's so liberating not having a master plan because I can do whatever the hell i want." Damon says and I laugh.
"That's what I'm afraid of your dragging Madeline into this." Stefan says.
"Relax she joined me and it was only for a moment" Damon says.
" I haven't killed anyone in a , phew too long" Damon says laughing.
"same" i mumble but stefan turns and looks at me instantly. Whoops. I'm lying anyways I've never killed anybody by feeding but that's another story.
"Those girls?" Stefan questions.
"Will end up in their dorm.with headaches think they blacked out." Damon says.
" predictably you didn't pull us over here for a pep talk." Damon says.
" so drink up and spill it brother" Damon says handing Stefan a bottle. He declines this bottle and Damon hands it too me instead.
"There was a woman you may have know a few years back, named Isobel, in North Carolina at duke" Stefan says.
"I'm bored see ya" I say very much bored with them now. I of course find out what there taking about, Stefan just wants to know if Damon knows anything about this Isobel but he can't remember so hay ho.

I went to the grill, bored as hell might I add but I decided why the fuck not. I walked in and first thing I saw was Lee. Lee? Wtf!
"No way is it you?" I ask. He turns around and wraps his arms around me.
" you know it kiddo" he says hugging me tighter.
"Oh my goodness your here? Why? You never show up here?" I ask how very confused.
"Heres the thing kid, I've tried to move on from your mother but I can't and I feel the only way to keep myself sane is to join her on the other side" he says. I pause almost expecting him to be lying.
"You want to die?" I question. As we were talking he must have taken me outside because we are now sitting on a bench in the park.
"Not want. Need. I fear that if I don't then I won't be able to contain the anger I have toward people who knew or look like lexi" he says. I pause again knowing I'm like a double of her.
"So why come here if I look like her?" I ask.
"You look like her a lot but your also the only person who looks like her enough that I'm okay. I know I shouldn't do this but it's the only way I'm going to keep sane" he says. I start getting angry now.
"Why tell me then? Want me to stop you cause I'm not." I say
"Don't push me away kiddo. I know you too well to know you do that when you care" he says.
"No actually i don't care. Im happy here with Stefan, my DAD" I say getting more angry.
"Look kid. Todays my last day and we can either spend it getting on one another's nerves or we can enjoy it like you mother would have wanted" he says smiling.
"Okay. Im sorry you know I care" I say.
"Of course I know" he says hugging me.

We spend the rest of the day laughing at the grill. Getting pizza and we finally end in the graveyard beside my mothers grave. After pizza we came here to I don't know actually mainly to reminisce.
"I know its crazy but there's a space beside hers why don't I bury you there? Or bury you in with her?" I ask. He pauses for a moment in shock.
"Beside her. If im in with her it will take the specialness of the grave away from you" he says smiling.
"Now this is why I wish you would stay. You and I could move away and start our own lives YOU COULD ADOPT ME!" I yell getting happy. That is until I see the dull look on his face.
"Or not" I say.
"No kiddo I would love to but I don't think I'm capable of being sane anymore I've tried so hard but I want you to know that you can't give up. Not like me. Your mother went through hell and back trying to keep you safe so don't go and fuck it up okay?" He asks. I nod and we spend the rest of the hour. We agreed that at 8pm I would leave for an hour and coke back and bury him. He already had a gravestone ready so he placed that in earlier. Once I bury him he made the specific rules for me.
1) go live my life like I've never lived before.
2) I can visit him whenever I want but once I hit a year from his death he doesn't want me there unless it's a holiday.
3) don't be hard on Stefan he's only trying his best

"It's time kiddo" he says. I look up and immediately stop my laughing fit I was having.
"Can't we have one more day?" I ask crying.
"The more we put it of the worse I become" he says smiling.
"But you've been amazing today!" I exclaim.
"Because I had you, I had something to look forward too. I'm sorry but I need to go and so do you" he says. I stand up, I almost fall over but he grabs onto me and pulls me to him.
"You are something special, and your going to find someone special one day, just like your mother and I" he says.
"I love you Madeline Alexia Branson" he says kissing my head.
"I love you Lee" i say and we part ways. I walk back over to my car and wait, sorry no cry. After one hour I walk back into the forest and see his heart in one hand and body on the floor. I run over to him and pick him up crying. I sit just thinking about how he killed himself to save himself. After that I follow his wishes I bury him beside my mother and put a couple flowers on his grave and walk away. As much as if pains me I have to walk away. I know I do.

I end up in the grill and their doing this bachelor man thingy. I soon realise that Damon had killed Elena's birth mother. Just brilliant the one night that I need my dad or my uncle I can't have either because they're going to be far to busy with Elena. Worrying about Elena. Great! Fucking great! So instead of grabbing a drink I go home. Once again tho it doesn't feel like home.

I get home and Damon's already there drinking. Then I see Alaric! Holy shit. I stand well out of sight and watch them. Damon throws Alaric and Alaric holds a stake. He's taking the utter piss of this poor man. Damon's gone mad or has Damon always been like this maybe I just haven't noticed it all before. Damon stakes him and hits his lung,I want to help but I'm frozen I stand there and watch this poor man die before my eyes.
I then walk in and Stefan does at the same time, Stefan goes over first and Damon doesn't notice me, I'm standing behind him.
"Isobel found me, she came to me maybe Katherine sent her" Damon says. I choose now to make my moment.
"Damon stop! Your obsessed with this girl who doesn't even want you! She left Damon and didn't tell either of you at least dad can accept that! You just killed somebody because you couldn't be arsed with them! Your insane! That's two fucking body's I've seen tonight and no doubt two I have to clean up" I say walking never and grabbing Alaric's body and putting him on the couch.
At first Damon just looks amused then he realises what I said at the end.
"Wait I'm sorry two body's?" He asks.
"Oh yeh while you were having your fit about Kathrine and you had your fit about Elena I was burying my step dad. Lee. Not that anybody cares tho right. As long as Elena is okay and there still hope for Katherine who gives a flying fuck about me!" I scream.
"I'm sorry Madeline I'm so sorry" Damon and Stefan say in unison.
"You both always are" I say and walk away to my rooms. I know that I can't change how people act, but people themselves can change how they act towards other people.



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