|4| The Ultimate Step Dad

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Madeline POV

This morning was like every other morning. Stefan worrying about Elena and Elena being god knows where. I decided that today I was going to start going to school. I haven't ever been and I'm what 16 years old. I showed up got myself registered and put into the correct classes. The first class I had was history.

"Hello? You are??" The teacher asks.
"I'm Madeline, just got registered " I say smiling.
"Alright I'm Mr Saltzman you can't sit beside Jeremy Gilbert" he says and I walk over and sit down. Jeremy gave me some sort of look and honestly I returned it. We got to talking and I told him I would help him with his history project. So we headed to the library after school.
"So mr Gilbert what are we looking for?" I ask.
" I don't know exactly books on the 1800s would be helpful." He says. We start looking when a book falls at my feet. Seconds later this girl shows up.
"Oh my god I am so sorry, there was this one book wedged between the other and I pulled and then: kaplunk kaboom" she says and I laugh.
"It's fine" i say and she smiles.
Jeremy goes to pick up the rest of the books and so does she so they bump heads and land on the ground.
"I'm Anna by the way" she smiles.
"Jeremy Gilbert"
"Madeline Branson, well technically Salvatore" I smile . I haven't decide weather to change my name yet. On the one hand it's the only thing I have left of my mother. On the other hand the name Branson means nothing without her here. But anyways At the mention of the last name Salvatore she seems to be worried.
"Salvatore that's a funny last name" she smiles.
"Well I'm a funny person" I say back. She laughs and we split ways.

Eventually I return home and Stefan is  sitting there alone again but this time more confused.
"Why did you sign up for school?" He asks, he almost sounds angry at me.
"Because I'm bored dad, I'm tired of grieving over my mother who's not coming back and I've never been to school before so I need to start" I say and he just stands there. Then his phone rings, it's Elena. She ends up hanging up on him and turns back to me.
"Why wouldn't you tell me? I'm your dad?" He asks.
"1) I only decided today and 2) your not actually around me nearly enough to talk properly" I say.

He invites me to go to Bonnies Grams because Bonnie needs help or something I don't know but I agree.
We knock on the door and this lovely woman answers.
"Hi I'm Stefan, this is my sister Madeline we are friends of Bonnies" he says and he shakes her hand as do I. I feel something when we touch, she's clearly a witch and she felt it too.
" her dad said she might be here" i say smiling.
"She was. Not anymore" she says bluntly.
" Do you know where she went?" Stefan asks.
"No but you do." She says. Christ it's like a riddle.
" I'm sorry?" I ask hella confused.
"I told her to face down her fear, and I'm sensing now that you know exactly why she was scared." She replies. This only confuses me more. Why is Bonnie Bennet scared?
"You know what I am yet you offered me your hand. Which means you wanted me to see I can trust you" she says. I'm still so confused.
"Can you?" Stefan asks.
" I trust you will keep her safe, better be on your way then I'm not gonna invite you in. Sure you understand why." She says and closes the door. We walk back to the car and Stefan explains it all, I don't understand how I missed so much when I'm living in the same town and the same god dam house!

He takes us into the woods to some abandoned building, I think he said it was a church? Anyways he tells me to stay in the car but I go anyway, I'm missing so much because of my stupid loss so I'm not missing anymore. We get there and there's a gaping whole in the ground so I jump down and Bonnie starts screaming.
"Bonnie it's me, it's Stefan?" Stefan says, he must have jumped as-well.
"Stefan? Okay the ground gave way and I fell" she says hyperventilating.
"Bonnie it's okay calm down we are here to help" I say placing a hand on her shoulder.
"Let's get you out of here" Stefan says smiling.
"How?" Bonnie asks.
"Hold on tight" he replies.
Stefan jumps up first then I jump and we are back on land whoohooo.
"How did you know where I was?" Bonnie asks.
"Your grandmother told us what you and doing and we guessed the where" I reply.
" I heard them, down there. Behind the door. Are they in pain?" She asks. She's talking about tomb vampires, I know every detail there is to know, thanks to my mother. God it always ends up back at her doesn't it.
"In the beginning yes, no anymore tho, they've starved to the point of desiccation." Stefan smiles.
" but if they have blood they'll-" Bonnie begins but i but in.
"That's not gonna happen Bonnie. They can't get out. Emily saw to that when she had you destroy the Crystal." I say smiling. Bonnie still looks so worried.

I eventually get a text from Elena and Damon telling me to come meet them at this random bar far away. I go and I walk in and see Elena and Damon hammered.
"You called me to get you guys home huh?" I ask laughing.
"Yeh Stefan would be mad" Elena says laughing.
I look around the bar and eventually spot somebody all too familiar. Lexi had a boyfriend or was it a fiancé. I don't remember but just as I try to remember Elena gets a call and goes outside, the guy then follows. Damon returns and I explain what happened and we head outside. Elena's phones on the ground so we pick it up and try find her. We see Elena and she immediately calls out to Damon telling him no, then Lee comes out of nowhere and starts battering Damon.
For a minute I stand in shock until I realise Lee has stopped and is looking at me.
"Madeline?" He asks almost questioning me.
"The one and only, but we can chat after you Finnish that" I say pointing to Damon on the ground. Lee grabs gas and pours it on Damon.
Elena is confused as is Damon but Lee explains it, he explains it all.
"I don't understand" Elena says.
"My girlfriend and her daughter, went to visit Stefan, the girls dad and Damon killed her. Got it?" He asks and she doesn't answer.
I want 100% for Damon too pay, but I can't watch him die.
"Lee wait!" I yell. He stops pulling the lighter out his pocket and walks over to me.
"WHAT MADI! You want him to pay so he's paying!" He yells. I have so many memories of me and Lee, he's always been so kind clearly Damon hurt him.
"Lee, I know what your going through , she was my mother." I say smiling.
"So how can you forgive him?" He asks.
"I haven't forgiven him but he's my uncle, I can't keep ignoring him or trying to kill him, mum wouldn't have wanted this, for either of us" i say smiling. He stands for a minute debating his options.
" Lee, I swear if we leave right now I'll come with you, we can be our own family and we can talk about mom all the time, I'll cut of every Salvatore to ever exist." I say hoping he will stop. I will do it I'll leave town I don't like mystic falls anyways it's not my home.
Lee picks up Damon and holds him so he's at the same level as him.
"Thank-you" Elena says.
"It wasn't for you, it was for her, and Lexi" he says pointing to me.
He then walks over to me smiling.
"Madi, I love you and I would love for us to go away and start again but unfortunately he's your family, mystic falls is your home so I can't leave with you, but I promise if you need anything just call me I will always answer." He says and vamp speeds away. Elena runs over to Damon and I stand there just wondering what happened.




Please and thanks

Madeleine Branson ~The One That's Never Chosen~Where stories live. Discover now