|2| The day after...

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Madeleine POV

I wake up in my bed, my eyes are puffy and my head is pounding. My mothers dead. The person I knew would always be there for me was gone, my best friend, my only friend. It wasn't meant to end like this, we were supposed to settle down in mystic falls, live a normal life for a few years then move to the next place, maybe I fell in love and had my own kids made her a grandmother but now thanks to my own uncle I have nothing. She was the only person in the world who could ever save me now she's gone. I wanted to badly to stay in bed all day or just turn it off but I knew it wouldn't do me any good in the long run.

I get up out of bed and walk downstairs, it's still dark outside meaning I can't have slept for long. I hear commotion coming from upstairs and I run up. Stefan is stabbing Damon with a stake, he turns around and ignores me and walks out the room. I lock eyes with Damon, he's the reason my mothers dead, he killed her, he made this happen nobody else. He just pulled the stake out of his groin, I walk over snap a chair and grab the four legs and stab him,one back in his groin, one in the leg, one just below his heart and one just above. He groans each time, I slowly walk over to his dresser grab the Ruby ring left by his mother and hold it in my hand. I walk over to his bathroom that gives him a clear view of what I'm doing I look him dead in the eyes and say.
"You killed my mother, I take the only thing you have of yours" I smirk and flush the ring down the toilet to be lost forever.

I hear Damon walk into Stefans room a while later and I listen to the conversation.
"Your lovely little daughter flushed mothers ring down the fucking drain!" He yells.
" you killed her mother, your lucky all she's taking is the god dam ring" he says. I'm glad he stood up for me but honestly I'd rather he was sitting here with me, comforting me checking I'm okay. Instead I sit there waiting for somebody to come and see me, my dad, Damon but in reality the only person I want right now is my mother. The one person I can't have.

" I'm going to school call if you need" Stefan says without looking at me. I'm then left alone again. I don't want to be alone if I'm alone then it means my thoughts can overtake me, they can creep in and allow me to see things I shouldn't. So instead I get out my bed put on some clothes and head to the grill. I walk in and all the memories come flooding back, all of last nights events. The worst birthday of my life. It hadn't even dawned on me that from now on every year when I get one year older, it will be one more year without her. Instead of thinking about that I walk over to the bar and ask for a vodka tonic.
"Can I have some ID please?" The bartender asks.
"You don't need ID" I say compelling him. I drink for what feels like an hour but has actually been 6 hours, it's now 8:03pm. I'm drunk and now I feel sick.
I eventually get home and Damon's waiting.
"Where have you been?" Damon asks and I ignore him.
"Where's my dad?" I ask.
"I don't know, he's been ignoring me all day, and he certainly won't want to see you like that" he says pointing to me. I stumble up to my room and start throwing up, over and over and over. Just fucking great I can't keep my fucking drinks down. UGHH.

Elena: come to mine, girls night xx

I arrive at Elena's and Caroline and Bonnie are over. They spend a good five to ten minutes arguing over a necklace. They start talking about Emily Bennet. I remember my mother talking about Emily. I stand for a good twenty minutes listening to all the shit they are pouring out. It gets even more creepy when Bonnie gets possessed by Emily.
"Emily!" Elena yells.
"It has to be destroyed, oh and Madeline, your mums fine, she says that she loves you and will find peace with you once your ready" she smiles and leaves. I want to believe her very much but then again, she's a random ghost.

I walk home all alone, I hadn't said one word that night and nobody noticed, nobody knew me only person who really knew was my mother, she knew me better than I knew myself. I walk in and see my dad sitting on the sofa, I walk over to go sit with him but immediately he gets up to move.
"Where are you going?" I ask.
"Out" he replies. He walks to the door but I vamp speed in front of him and immediately his eyes drop to the floor. It's like he is embarrassed, can't even look at me.
"Why won't you look at me?" I question. He ignores me and I snap. I pull his head up so he's looking at me.
"LOOK AT ME DAM IT!" I yell.
" I cant" he yells back.
"WHY THE FUCK NOT!" I scream.
"BECAUSE YOU LOOK LIKE HER! You look exactly like your mother your the spitting image of her! You act like her you look like her all I see when I look at you is her!!" He yells. I feel my heart break into a million pieces. He then gets a call from Elena and leaves immediately.  I fall to the ground and sit there crying, I'm absolute hysterical . I can't help that I'm like her, or that we are similar she's my mother what did he expect, he would be raging if I wasn't like her but of course he's raging that I am.

I lay on the floor for god knows how long, I've done that a lot lately, I seem too loose track of time and it either goes to fast or too slow. I get up and drag myself onto the couch grabbing bourbon on my way. I drink three whole bottles before Stefan gets home and once again he ignores me. He walks straight to his room and I yell.
"FATHER OF THE YEAR LADYS AND GENTS!" I hear banging in his room but ignore it because I don't care, he will do what he wants and I'll do what I want.

I fell asleep on the couch. I wake up to Stefan and Damon discussing where there going to live now. Apparently Stefan would feel better if he was away from Elena to protect her.
"Has anybody bothered to think about me?" I ask.
"You will go with me, for a while until I find you a home who will take you and look after you" he says and I'm in shock just as I'm about to scream my head of at him the sherif shows up and takes Damon outside to chat while I stay with Stefan.
"Your seriously gonna abandon me just because I look to much like my fucking mother, good job Stefan!" I yell.
"It's not that, I can't look after you not anymore" he says.
"Oh give it up Stefan, you never did look after me, mother did everything you just showed up when you could be fucking arsed!" I yell. I drop the bottle of bourbon and walk up to my room ignoring the smashed glass.
Damn Madeleine is really putting Stefan in his place. So what do we all think so far, are we enjoying it? For anybody wondering the story is based on season one episode eight and onwards in this book there will be nothing but season one book number two will have season two.



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Madeleine Branson ~The One That's Never Chosen~Where stories live. Discover now