|13| Founders Party

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Madeline POV

Tonight there's a party for founding family I don't want to go but Stefan and Damon made me. Considering technically we are a founding family well Damon and Stefan are the founding family. Stefan goes to find Elena and I well I decide to go and wander around because I've got nothing better to do. I end up wandering into a room with Matt and Tyler both whom I've talked with a couple times. I'm about to turn around but then I notice a bottle, a very tasty bottle that is.
"Well boys, what's this you have?" I ask laughing grabbing the bottle.
"Your Madeline? Damon's sister right?" Tyler asks.
"Mmh. What's it to you?" I question.
"Well normally I like to know who the people that steal my drink is" Tyler says and I laugh.
"Okay I'll give you that" I say and take a chug.
" so Matt, your obviously dating Caroline, Tyler what about you?" I ask.
"Nah, tend to just jump from body to body" he says going to grab my ass. I grab his hand and twist it.
"Don't ever try objectify me again. You want me you flirt not grab" I say. He laughs and apologises.

We spend the night laughing and smoking because apparently Tyler has a stash but I'm not complaining. Eventually both Tyler and Matt leave and go their separate ways while I go and snoop around the place. It's fancy this place but it feels, uncomfortable almost as if they aren't who they seem. Maybe they aren't but neither are the Salvatore's so...

Turns out they actually aren't, Tyler was making out with Matts mother! It's like the fucking Kardashian's over here. They started to fight so I ran over grabbed Tyler and pulled him of Matt. Tyler went back to hit me before he realised who I was. He immediately stopped and hugged me.
"Come on let's get you cleaned up" I say and we head inside. I take him to his room and go into the bathroom grabbing a wet cloth to get rid of the blood on his face.
"Why where you making out Kelly?" I ask and he ignores me. I start to wipe his face when he looses it.
"I CAN DO IT!" He screams but then he stops and looks at me.
"Tyler, your face has a massive cut and your knuckles are gone. Let me help you." I say, he looks into my eyes and I look back almost like we are searching for something but nothing can be found. I turn away and continue to wipe his face until it's completely fine. His knuckles keep bleeding and won't stop.
"Come to the bathroom, it's easier there" I say and grab one of his hands and go to the bathroom. I tidy him up completely and head back to his room.
"You can leave now." He says.
"Nope. I'll stay the night thanks Ty" I say smirking.
"Why are you being nice to me? What's the point?" He questions.
"One your cute and I like cute people and two your family seems a-lot like mine, they pretend to be perfect when in reality they are just as a mess as everybody else" I say smiling.
"Fine you can stay the night" he says and I laugh. I grab a pillow from the bed and begin to lie down when Tyler stops me.
"What are you doing? Your sleeping in here with me. I may be a prick but I can't let a lady as pretty as you sleep on the cold floor" he says smiling. I climb up from the ground and into bed when Tyler kisses me. I go to pull away when he grabs the back of my head and does it again this time I let him. We continue to kiss on top of the covers until we get lost under them ;)
So we are going to pretend that the party was held at the Lockwood mansion because otherwise Madeline and Tyler wouldn't have happened.




Please and thanks

Madeleine Branson ~The One That's Never Chosen~Where stories live. Discover now