|8| The Tomb

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Madeline POV

After crying at my mothers grave I got up dusted myself of and started to walk home. Although it wasn't exactly my home now was it, nah it was just the casual place I slept when I wasn't hammered or crying at a grave.

I walked inside and Damon and Stefan are discussing Elena.
"Oh my god i thought Anna took you too!" Stefan says running over to me and examining me. I push him of and go sit down on a chair.
"Oh please you didn't care" i say.
"Obviously I cared" Stefan says.
"If you cared then you would have saved me. End of conversation "
I say waving my hands to excuse him. He sits there looking between me and Damon and I sit looking at him. Refusing to show him any kind of emotions. He then turns to Damon and starts trying to figure out where she is. Damon clearly knows where she is but refuses to give any information about it.
"I hope Elena dies" Damon says and then leave. Stefan turns to me and I smirk.
"What. You think I'm gonna help? Nah I'm with Damon on this one I hope the little bitch dies" I say and get up and leave.

I go for a walk and end up at the grill. I sit down beside Jeremy.
"So, how you been?" I ask. Jeremy and I aren't that close but we do know an awful lot about one another.
"I'm alright" he says and continues drawing or whatever. We chat for an hour when Tyler Lockwood and Matt Donovan come over to play pool.
" ten kegs? You know how much damage we could do?" Tyler says smirking.
"Dukes got it all hooked up" he continues.
"Dukes a douche" Matt reply's.
" yeah, a douche with 10 kegs aka my new best friend." Tyler says.
Jeremy chuckles and I can tell there's gonna be an issue here.
"What's the problem Gilbert" Tyler asks.
"Don't have one, Lockwood" Jeremy replies.
"You ever get bored of it?" Matt asks.
"Of what?" Tyler asks.
"Yourself" I say butting in. Tyler glances at me and looks me up and down then bites his lip. I'm pissed of now. I walk over to him and look him dead in the eyes and compel him.
"You can't get me or any other girls so stop trying. For like a week" I say whispering the last part. I then turn around and sit with Jeremy again who's now laughing.
" Jeremy, Madeline. Where's Elena I have been texting her and Bonnie all day about dukes party." Caroline complains.
"Uh she went somewhere with Stefan" Jeremy replies. Mmh.
" I'm so not gonna be one of those girls who disappears because she has a boyfriend" Caroline says and I smirk knowing damn well it's not true.
"Who is duke anyways?" I ask very confused.
" some guy that graduated a couple years ago. He throws a part every time he comes home from duke" Caroline says.
"Wait duke goes to duke?" Jeremy asks.
" nope real names bob or something. He's a total ass, but he buys the beers. You know you both should come?" She says smiling.
"Yeh no I don't think so" Jeremy says.
"No seriously everybody goes" Caroline says smiling.
She then spots Matt and leaves us be.
"Come on Jer, I'm going to go and let's be real here you know more people than I do" I say laughing.
"Fine but we are going together" he says smirking.
"Okay deal" I say and get up.
"Call me" I say winking at him and laughing while walking away.

I eventually get home and sit down I realise that it's actually already party time. I wait for Jeremy to call but he doesn't. He then calls me and says he's not going with me he's going with Anna and hopes I can understand. I of course don't but I leave it be. Elena comes home and starts talking to Damon, there opening the tomb tonight! I'm going to of course be there, I'm wanting to meet this Kathrine who's stolen good old uncle Damon's heart. They eventually leave clearly forgetting I'm here so I get up and follow them, far enough away that they won't see or hear me but close enough I can follow them.

They eventually reach the tomb and I see Bonnie her grams and Stefan. They show up and I wait behind for a couple minutes wary of the fact that last time something like this happened my own dad was happy to let and watch me die. They go down into the tomb and I follow still keeping a distance from them.
"Hey guys what's happening!" I yell walking in.
"Get out, nope your not going near Katherine" Stefan says. He goes to grab my arm and I stop him.
"You aren't in charge of me anymore, you made sure of that when you picked Elena over me." I say and Stefan turns around and somewhat agrees with me.

Bonnie and her grams start the spell instructing that we are all silent. They start speaking in their forbidden language or some shit. I don't know and don't actually care anymore. The fire around them grows and Elena grabs onto Stefan. The tomb door opens and Stefan heads up to land to get some gasoline.
"You ready?" Damon says looking at me.
"What?" I ask confused.
"You think I'm gonna go in by myself so they can seal me in." Damon laughs grabbing my arm. I shake him and grab Elena instead.
"Take her. Nobody here cares about me idiot!"I say and Damon nods. Bonnies grams protests but Elena agrees.

Seconds later Anna comes running down and into the tomb. Bonnies grams then tells us that none of the people who went in aren't coming out. That's when I panic. I don't care about Elena one bit but as much as I hate Damon for what he did to my mother he's my uncle and frankly one of the only people who actually understands what I have to deal with. Stefan's betrayal.

Turns out that Elena is fine, the seal stops vampires from leaving not from entering. Elena's starts screaming and Stefan runs inside.
"NO!" I scream and fall to the ground. Bonnie protests and try's to get her grams to get him back and finally her grams agrees. I fall to the ground and start sobbing rocking back and forth Elena then comes running out. She takes one look at me then back to the door Stefan standing inside. Elena and him have a moment before I get up myself.
"Go get Damon, NOW!" I yell. Stefan walks away and Bonnie starts another spell this time. I stand waiting then Anna and her mother come out. I understand why she did it, her mother was in danger and she needed her back. I would do anything to get her back. That's when I realise this spell isn't holding much longer. I bolt inside and find Damon and my dad.
"Damon. Please. I can't loose another person" I say. He looks at me then the tears in my eyes and walks over grabs me by my waist and pulls us all out. We make it out just in time before Bonnie and her grams close the seal once again. Damon let's me go takes a good look at the door and walks upstairs. Me closely behind him. I go to talk to him but Elena goes first. She gives him a hug and apologises. She then backs of and goes over to Stefan who takes her to her house. It's now me and Damon alone.
"We will find her Damon. I'll help you" I say smiling.
"YOU CANT! Stefan won't let you!" He yells while tears well in his eyes.
"He doesn't control me anymore not after he made his decision. I will always hate you for what you did to my mother but you are also the only person who I know understands me, you understand the loss of a mother, you understand the betrayal of Stefan. Nobody else does" I say and tears grow in my eyes. For a moment I think he's gonna snap but instead he walk over and gives me the biggest hug ever.
"Your just like your mother you know that?" He says and I start crying.
"Been told once or twice" I say.
"God I love you" he says and I feel myself getting happier. Never did I ever think those words would leave Damon Salvatore's mouth.
" I love you too uncle Damon" I say.

I eventually get home by myself and Stefan and Damon are already here. I over hear their conversation.
"Your daughter, she's special you know. Not like anybody I've ever met, well except her mother of course" Damon says.
"I know she is. She always has been" Stefan says.
"So why? Why pick Elena over her what's he point?" Damon asks him.
" I chose Elena because I feared for her the most. I knew for a fact you would ever hurt Madeline. Not even without your humanity. I actually believe she will be the reason you turn your humanity on one day" Stefan smiles.
"Maybe. She may only be my niece but I will protect her until the day I die" Damon says. I smile at myself and walk away to my room. Pleased with my listening skills.



Please and thanks

Madeleine Branson ~The One That's Never Chosen~Where stories live. Discover now