|19| Founders Day

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Madeline POV

Today is founders day. Everybody dressed up and excited to be apart of the tradition. So am I to be honest.
"Hey boys" I say laughing as I meet them at the park.
"You look amazing kiddo" Damon says smiling.
"Always do" I say and walk away to get ready to go onto my float.

It's my first ever founders day and I'm so excited I know I honestly shouldn't be but it's so cool, this town is annoying but also it's a special place everyone protects each other or at least protect the town. This special town.

The float starts and I prepare for a buck of people to see me, I'm standing by myself mainly because Tyler's on the willow creak float so he couldn't escort me but I don't actually care I think I look better on my own. Makes me look like a powerful woman. One who can stand by them self and doesn't need anybody else. It's great!

After the float I am about to go and find Damon but instead I go see Tyler. We haven't hung out too much recently with all the founders day stuff.
"There's the girl I love" he says and I stop. We've been dating for about a month and a bit now but we've never said I love you.
"I'm sorry that's not what I meant" he says taking it back. I walk over and kiss him.
"I love you too Ty, don't worry" I say smiling.
" so where's your brothers? Not going to come kill me?" He questions.
"Don't know and don't care, your the one I care about" i say smiling. We end up in the grill with Matt, Caroline, Bonnie Tyler and I all drinking and having fun. Caroline's a lot less whiney when she's drunk she's more chilled out. Bonnies just as much a bore now as she was then.  We are all laughing and having fun until my head starts to ache and pound. Bonnie rushes to my side and gives me a hug and whispers" don't fall over, I'm fixing it okay" I stay upright with her holding me and then it stops, it all just stops. I get up and look to Bonnie.
"What did you do!" I yell.
"I didn't end the device I'm sorry but Damon's going to be in trouble if we don't  hurry up" she says and I get up and start running outside. I find Stefan and explain it all to him and Elena and we all start listening to try find where they all are. Once I know the location of Damon I immediately speed to the Gilbert thingy place I don't know or care.

Once I get there John try's to stop us, but Elena convinces him because she's his daughter. It works thankfully and I manage to get past as does Stefan. Bonnie try's to stop me.
"MADELINE DONT" Stefan yells.
"He's my uncle I have to" I say and then run inside. The fire is strong but I manage to get past it, it's hard but I manage the fire somehow stops, I find Damon who's thankfully still alive and I sprint over to him. I pick him up using my super strength and drag him out of there as fast as I can go. Once I'm out I let him go and fall to the ground.

"Are you okay?" Stefan asks and I nod.
"Mmh I'm fine" I say and we all make our way into the grill. I sit down myself and chill for a while until Elena comes over and sits beside me.
"Hey Madeline you doing okay?" She asks smiling.
I'm shocked she would even ask considering we hate each other.
"Yes Elena I'm fine, are you?" I ask laughing.
"Oh I'm sorry, your confused I'm Katherine not Elena" she says. I feel my heart speed up as Katherine grabs me and drags me to the bathroom she pins me against the wall and i reverse it with my super strength.
"How? I have over 500 years on you how did you reverse that?" She asks.
"Don't know. Now. Why are you here! I swear if your going to mess with my dad or uncle I'll kill you" I say and she smiles.
"Let me go " she says and I let her go.
"I've watched all of you for a while, I've watched you go through the pain of your mother dying, Stefan choosing Elena, over and over. The reason I'm here is because I want to befriend you. As odd as it seems I think your somebody who would understand me" she says smiling.
"I certainly can't understand why you would screw with Damon like that, I mean you still screwed with him even when he thought you were in a tomb" I say angrily.
"I know and I'll explain all of that but promise that you'll keep me being back a secret, even if we don't become friends just keep this a secret?" She asks. I don't know why but I feel some sort of empathy for her, so I agree.
"I've had a very crazy life being over 500 years old and all, but the best part was having a brother each, they played into my plans and once I got away I did keep an eye on them both, I made sure they where safe I even watched you grow up for a little while making sure nobody harmed you." She says.
"Why tho? Why me what's so special about me?" I ask.
" I don't know but I was told by a smart little witch that you are the key to keeping a lot of people safe one being me, I don't know if that means that we are meant to be friends or what but I know that your destined to be great, to save this planet and I want to see how" she says smiling.
"Look Katherine you seem somewhat nice but I also know about your past with my family and I don't think I can trust you, so your going to have to earn my trust and prove you care about me" I say smirking.
"Oh Katherine Pierce doesn't care about anyone" she says laughing at me.
"Ohh then Katherine Pierce isn't going to be getting Madeline Bransons help" I say smirking.
"Fine. I'll try, i will try my very best to care for you, not like I did it for years watching over you" she says and I laugh.
"Goodbye Katherine. Do show yourself soon?" I say.
"Oh don't worry Madi I will" she says winking at me.

Madeleine Branson ~The One That's Never Chosen~Where stories live. Discover now