|6| A Dance To Remember

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Madeline POV

I was currently sitting in the Gilbert's house because Elena had been attacked.
"Wait so how did he get in?" Damon asked.
"He was invited in" Elena says.
"No shit Sherlock, who was he? Did you invite him in before or what?" I ask.
"He posed as a pizza delivery guy last night."Stefan says.
"Points for that" i say smirking to myself.
" did he say what he wanted?" Damon asked.
"No he was too busy trying to kill me" Elena replies.
" and you Have no idea who this is?" Stefan asks Damon.
"No" he says.
" don't look at me like that I told you we had company. " Damon says.
" think there's more than one?" I ask intrigued.
" we don't know" Damon says. How helpful.
" Damon, he was invited in" Stefan says.
" then we go get him tonight" Damon smirks.
" you up for it?" Damon asks Elena and she nods. He then turns to me.
"Yeh sure I don't mind I've got one dance with Jeremy and that's it" i say and they set the plan up.

We arrive at the school all of us dressed up, the plan was simple we will have a normal night and then once we see the guy we will find and kill him. Simple on paper but not simple in real life.

The night went as well is it could go I guess, I had fun with Jeremy until that Anna girl showed up and stole him from me, what a rude bitch. Stefan seemed happy with Elena and I'm glad he's actually found somebody he loves for once as I kid whenever I saw him he always live alone away from people but now he's living amongst the people.

Elena comes to get me because this guy phoned her about Jeremy. I slowly follow behind her allowing our mystery man to go after her. Elena ends up being cornered, she runs into the cafeteria and the guy grabs her hair. I run over grab a mop snap it in half stake him in the heart. I see the grey veins that I'm all too familiar with sprawl across his face and I watch him fall to the ground.
"What did you do!" Stefan yells at me.
"Umm what? I saved her life that's what?" I yell.
"You just killed our only option to get answers!" Damon yelled.
"Would you rather Elena died? Plus I know all the information that I need" I say.
"You stupid girl!" Damon yells.
" HOW COULD YOU!" Stefan yells. I stand completely shocked that they are mad at me for literally saving Elena's life.
"Damon take Madeline home, now please" Stefan says. Damon grabs my arm and drags me home literally. Dumps me on the ground then leaves again.

I walk into the living room and get a bottle of vodka and down it. Then the next and the next and the next. I just saved Elena's life, if I didn't do something she would have 100% died. Either way I can't win, they would yell if I didn't save her and now I have I get yelled at anyways. If my mum was here she would yell at them both and tell them about the fact I did something right. She was the only person who ever saw that. God I'm pathetic one thing goes wrong in my life and I'm back to thinking about my mother, my dead one at that. Ugh!

Stefan comes home and goes on about something to do with the fact he's not going to get Kathrine back. I didn't really listen I'm angry and I'm drunk so I just nodded my way through it.

Damon and I had been up for a while i however had a massive head ache. He went to check on Elena and Stefan but instead he's stalking them.
"Rise and shine sleepy heads" I hear him say and I immediately walk into the room. Elena and Stefan are hiding under the covers.
"Damon, your a creep" I say laughing.
"Oh stop being so smutty" he says laughing.
" get out of here both of you" Stefan says. Clearly he's not happy with me but I don't care I'm still pissed about last night.
" if I see something I haven't seen before I'll throw a dollar at it" Damon says and i snigger.
"Listen, there's some very important business to discuss" Damon says.
"And it has to be right now?" Elena asks.
"We have lots to do. Now that we are all friends and working towards a common goal" Damon says and begins a speech about the tomb. Elena is searching for the Gilbert journal. Damon's taking the piss and I'm doing fuck all as usual.

Stefan insisted that I went to Elena's house with him in search for this journal.
"Do you think Damon really believe us? That were all trying to help him?" Elena asks.
"No." I say. Of course he doesn't Damon's not an idiot he can tell when he's being screwed over. Stefan gives me a glare and now Elena's worried. UGHH.
"I don't think Damon knows what to believe. Trust isn't something that comes naturally to him" Stefan says smiling.
"Like uncle like niece " I say and Stefan sends me another glare. I'm not lying tho. I don't trust anybody honestly I never have trusted Stefan he's always been absent and I only saw him every couple years whereas mum and lee where always there proving I had somebody to help me.
" you know I really think that Damon believes that everything he's done, every move he's done for love. It's twisted but kind of sad." Elena says.
"There are other ways to get what you want. You don't have to kill people. Damon has no regard for human life. He enjoys inflicting pain on others." Stefan says and just as I go to talk he continues this speech of his.
"For 145 years every single time that I let my guard down and let Damon back into my life he's done something to make me regret that. I'm not going to make that mistake again" Stefan says.
"You do realise your just as bad as him right? I mean the ripper stages that's gotta top all he's done. You killed little kids on Christmas dad" I say and immediately he goes white.
"Your mum told you then?" He asks.
"Yep, she told me everything" I say smirking.
Elena ignores me and continues on her conversation.
"So what do you think will happen if the tomb gets opened and Damon gets Katherine back?" Elena asks.
"We will all be a happy family!" I say cheering.
"God your just like him with your witty comments aren't you?" Stefan asks.
"Oh No is daddy mad about last night? I did it to save Elena get over yourself dad" I say and he just looks at me. It's true I'm a lot like Damon but what he's forgetting is I'm actually more like my mother. She was a kind person and so am I but I will stick up for people when I believe to be right.
" I think that no matter what Damon promises a lot of people will die." Stefan says obviously ignoring me.



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Madeleine Branson ~The One That's Never Chosen~Where stories live. Discover now