The truth

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Riley looked confused at them and set her fork down, looking at them expectantly.

"What's wrong?" She asked with a frown.

"We need to know the truth, okay?" JJ asked.

Riley nodded and gulped.

"What happened to your mother?" JJ asked.

"She uhm, she killed herself when I was 4." Riley said in a low voice.

JJ and Emily looked at each other sadly.

"I'm sorry." JJ said in a low voice too.

Riley shrugged her shoulders.

"She just couldn't take it anymore and took the easy way out, I just wish it had worked for me." Riley said.

"What?" JJ and Emily asked at the same time worriedly.

It was then that Riley realized what she had just said and her eyes went wide, before trying desperately not to look at either of the women.

"I didn't mean that, I mean.." She stuttered desperately trying to come up with a cover story, miserably failing.

Emily looked at JJ and knew that JJ was going to have a heart to heart with this girl, so she excused herself.

"Hey JJ, I'm going to get ready, alright?"

JJ nodded her head.

Emily took off and JJ pulled her chair closer to Riley's, but Riley still wouldn't look at her.

"Riley. Riles, look at me, please." JJ told her gently.

Riley slowly looked at JJ, but still didn't look her in the eye.

"You don't need to say anything, just listen, okay?" JJ asked gently.

Riley just nodded.

"My sister's name was Rosaline, When I was 11, my sister came into my room and gave me her necklace, her favorite necklace. I was secretly happy because I wanted one just like hers. So she handed me the necklace and said that she loved me no matter what. The next day, I found her in her room with her wrists cut open. I was devastated and I went into severe depression after that. Do you really wish what you said you wished? Do you really want to leave all the people who love you just sitting there, crying, wondering why you left them?" JJ finished with her eyes glistening with unshed tears.

"I'm sorry about your sister, but who would miss me?" Riley whispered, before continuing.

"I have no family, no friends, nobody. I just had my dad, and now he's gone too. No one is going to miss me." She finished.

"I would miss you. Emily would miss you. We don't know you for very long, but we know you long enough to know that we needed to get you out of that house before-" JJ cut herself off, not sure if she should continue.

"Before he killed me, I know." Riley said understanding what JJ was afraid to say.

JJ decided to change the subject a little bit.

"Riley, are you sure you don't have any living relatives?" JJ asked.

Riley noticed the change of subject and was glad for it.

"I'm sure. The only living relative I had was my grandma, before she died last year." Riley said sadly.

JJ nodded in understanding. "I'm sorry."

Just then, Emily showed up.

"Hey, so who wants to shower next?" She asked.

JJ looked at Riley.

"You go first."

Riley nodded and walked towards the bathroom.

Only when they heard the door close did they turn to each other.

"Hey, are you okay?" Emily asked JJ.

JJ nodded. "Yeah, I'm okay." She smiled.

Emily smiled and kissed her.

"I love you."

JJ smiled. "I love you too."

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