Please don't this

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Trigger Waring: Suicide Attempt

Three month went by and everyone accepted the idea of Riley and Madison's death. Everyone missed both girls dearly. Ever since Riley and Madison death Amber have been going down hall. She stops eating and she stays in her room all day. Emily and JJ have been trying to get her to eat and come out of her room. But they never thought this would happen.

Amber was on the roof of the apartment building. She was standing close to the edge ready to jump off.

"Amber please step away from the ledge." Olivia shouts.

"Sophia go get you moms now." Olivia told Sophia

"Amber please just step away from the ledge. Riley and Madison would want you to killed yourself. They would want you to be happy. Not sad and depressed." Olivia said

"Why would I care if they are not here?" Amber yelled back at Olivia right when JJ and Emily came.

"Amber baby girl please step away from the ledge." JJ said as she had tears in her eyes.

"No!" Amber said

"Amber, if you jump, how do you think Sophia is going to feel? She already lost one sister and she doesn't need to lose another sister. You have to be here for your sister. She can't lose you." Emily said

"Yeah you are my only real family I have and i don't want to lose you too." Sophia said as tears rolled down her face.

Amber just looked at her sister. She saw how sad she looked. Amber looked down at the ground and started crying. The next thing she knew was that JJ had wrapped her arm around her and hugged her tightly. Amber sob into JJ's shoulder.

"It okay. Everything is going to be okay." JJ said

"We are going to get through this together." JJ said

A/N: This is the last chapter in season 2. 

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