The next afternoon
"Are you ready to go?" Madison asked
"Yeah." Riley said
"When we get home you can rest all day." Madison said hoping Riley wouldn't fight on that but she was surprised when she didn't.
"Okay." Riley said
Later that day at Madison and Riley house
JJ and Emily pulled up to the address that Garcia gave them. They knocked on the door and waited for someone to open the door. A few minutes later Madison opened the door.
"Hi." Madison said. She was so surprised to see JJ and Emily at home.
"We were wondering if we could talk?" JJ said
"Sure." Madison said as she opened the door for JJ and Emily to walk in.
"Where Riley?" JJ asked
"She is out. How did you get our address?" Madison asked
"From Garcia." Emily said
"So you know about our kids?" Madison asked
"Yeah." JJ said
"How much do you guys know?" Madison asked
"Just about your kids that's all." JJ said right when Riley and the kids walked into the house.
"Mama!" The kids said as they walked over to her and hugged us.
"Hey guys, how were they parked?" Madison said
"It was awesome we had so much fun and also mommy saved a girl from being kidnapped. Now mommy has a bleeding nose and a black eye." Elizabeth said
"Also Uncle Patrick wants to know if we can go over to his house and have a sleepover with Nick and Jessica." Andre said
"Sure. Just go pack your stuff for the night." Madison said
"Ok. Who are they?" Elizabeth asked
"Well they are mommy adoptive parents." Madison said
"Oh Hey, I'm Elizabeth but everyone one call me Liz." Elizabeth said
"Hey, I'm Scarlett but everyone one call me Sky." Sky said
"Im Andre." Andre said
"Nice to meet you all." JJ said
"Hey where is mommy?" Madison asked
"I think she is still in the car or something." Liz said
"Okay. Now how about y'all get ready for y'all sleepover." Madison said
"Okay mama." Sky said as Riley walked into the house.
"What the fuck are you two doing here!" Riley said when she saw JJ and Emily.
"Wow are you okay?" Madison asked when she saw Riley's face for the first time.
"Yes, now back to what i was saying. What the hell are you two doing and why the fuck did you let them in the house?" Riley said look mad.
"Because they want to talk to us and they have questions about what happens." Madison said
"Yeah but I don't want to talk to them. So y'all can go home." Riley yelled.
"But Riley, they are your family. They want to know what happens to you and me." Madison said
"No they are not my family. So You two can fucking leave and never come back ever! Matter of fact, stay out of my life." Riley yelled as she walked out of the house.
"I'm sorry this happens." Madison said
"No, it's okay we should have seen it coming. I think we should get going." JJ said as she wiped away tears.
"Are you sure?" Madison asked
"Yeah." Emily said
"It was nice seeing you again Madison." JJ said as they walked out of the house.
Later that day
Patrick had come to pick up the kids. Madison was now cleaning up the house waiting for Riley to come home. When Riley did not come home after four hours she started getting worried. She tried calling her but it went straight to voicemail.
"Riley where are you?" Madison thought to herself.
Madison decided to call Agent Murphy.
"Madison how can i help you?" Agent Murphy asked
"Well James I need you to track Riley's phone." Madison said
"Why?" James asked
"So three hours ago Riley ran out of the house very mad because of her foster parents, now she is not answering her phone and I'm starting to get worried about her." Madison said
"Okay give me a second." James said
A few minutes later
"It looks like Riley cut off her phone. I could track her car. Which car did you take?" James asked
"She took her black pick up." Madison said as her phone started to ring.
"Hold on James, I'm getting another call." Madison said
"Hello Madison Thompson." Madison answered the phone.
"Hi this is for the Los Angeles Emergency Department. I'm calling you because your wife Riley Thompson was brought into the hospital a few minutes ago." Dr. Smith said
That's when Madison's heart dropped.

What is going on over there: Season 1, 2 and 3
FanfictionSeason 1: When a father and daughter move next door to JJ and Emily. They notice something was up. Can JJ and Emily help the girl or not? *WARNING: CHILD ABUSE.* Season 2: Here is the sequel to What going on over there: season one. Let find out hav...