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JJ and Emily walked towards the girl.

"Hi, Riley." JJ smiled and sat down on the soft grass, next to the girl.

"Hi." The girl said

"Hi, So, what are you doing here?" Emily asked as she took a seat on the other side of the girl.

"I just came here to relax, what about you guys?" Riley asked.

"Same thing." Emily said with a smile.

"So, now that we've found you here, why don't we get to know each other better?" JJ suggested.

"Okay.." Riley said

"First, where did you live before you moved here?" JJ asked.

"Uhm, I lived in Minnesota"

"Are you originally from there?"

"No, I'm originally from New York, but we move a lot."

"Okay, are you in school?"

"Yeah, I'm in 9th grade."

"So, you're 14?"

"No, actually I'm 13, but I'm going to be 14 in 3 months. I skip 8th grade"

"Really? What day is your birthday?"

"The 16th of November."

"Oh, that's so cool, do you normally have a party or something?"

"Uhm, not really." The teen whispered.

"Oh, why not?" JJ felt like she was onto something and she looked over to Emily, to see a sad look on her face.

The teen shrugged. "I don't know."

"Riley, is everything okay at home?"

"Uhm, of course. Why wouldn't it be?" She said.

"Listen, Riley. I know you're scared, but we're FBI agents, I promise you that if anything is happening, we can help you."

"FBI?" The girl stuttered.

"Yeah sweetie. We can help you." Just as JJ thought the girl was about to give in and tell them what's been happening, the girl denied everything.

"Nothing's going on at home, everything's fine." Riley said.

"Riley, every night we hear something break or someone being pushed against a wall. You can deny it all you want, but that doesn't make it go away."

"I'm clumsy, that's all. I'm sorry for all the noise, I'll try to be more quiet." The girl said before she started getting up.

"Wait! Here, just take my card. If you ever feel like talking, just call me, and don't worry if it's late, call me anytime, even if it's 4 in the morning, okay? You're not alone, Riley." JJ said quietly as she handed her card to the teenager.

JJ sighed.

"She'll talk." Emily assured her.

"I know. The only question is when."

"I know, I hate it that we don't have probable cause, though." Emily stated and sighed.

"Me too. We could go to the police station, but we both know it's not going to hold up if she says that the thumps against the wall are because she's clumsy." JJ said sadly.

"Yeah. Well, might as well just walk through the park or something." Emily said as she grabbed JJ's hand.

JJ and Emily walked through the park, hand in hand, when they found that Riley was still at the park.

"Hey, why don't we take her out to lunch?" Emily suggested.

JJ nodded and they headed, again, towards the girl.

"Hey again."

"Hi." Riley said

"We thought you went home?"

"No, I decided to stay here for a little longer." Riley said

"Well, me and Emily are going out to lunch, would you like to join us?"

The girl looked unsure, but finally nodded.

They walked over to the restaurant and took a seat before ordering.

What is going on over there: Season 1, 2 and 3Where stories live. Discover now