Happy mother day

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Two month later

Madison went home when her father came back. Now when Madison's father would go on a business trip Madison would stay with JJ and Emily.

Today was mother's day. The girls had a surprise from their mom and mama.

Sophia was the first one up. She walked over to Amber room and woke her up then walked over to Riley room and woke her up too. The three of them walked into the kitchen.

Once everything was finished and set on a trays they began carrying it towards the bedroom.

"Wake up mom. Wake up mama." Sophia said

When they noticed that JJ and Emily were awake Amber, Riley, and Sophia said. "Happy mother's day mummy" with a huge smile on their face.

"Oh thank you." Emily and JJ said as they hugged Amber, Riley, and Sophia.

"You are welcome." The girls said at the same time.

Later that day Emily took Amber and Riley to the mall to help her to pick out a surprise for JJ. While JJ and Sophia went to get they nail and toe nail done.

"So what is the surprise?" Amber asked

"Well i'm going to ask mama to marry me." Emily said

Amber and

"Finally! We have been waiting for you to ask mama to marry you for a while." Riley said

"Wow, okay I was wondering if you two wonder like to pick out the ring?" Emily asked the girls.

Amber and Riley looked at each other before answering.

"Yes!" Riley and Amber said at the same time.

They started looking in the display cases, trying to find to perfect one.

Amber saw a gold rose band with a diamond on top.

"Mom." Amber called for her mom.

Emily walked Oliver where Amber was standing and looking into the glass and the ring Amber was looking at.

"That is perfect. Excused me?" Emily called one of the jewelers over.

"How may I help you?" They women asked

"I would like to look at this one please." Emily said

The girl took the box out and placid it on the counter.

"This is the one." Emily said

"What do you two think Amber, Riley?" Emily asked

"Perfect." They said at the same time

"Alright if you come with me, i'll be happy to ring this up for you." The women said

"Okay, thank you." Emily said.

When they was done buying the ring they went home.

When they got home they saw that JJ and Sophia was asleep on the couch.

A few hours later JJ and Emily started opening present.

"Mama opened this present, it is from me and Amber." Riley said as she handed JJ the present.

JJ unwrapped the present when she finally opened it and she was almost in tears. It was a necklace with Riley, Amber, and Sophia and the birthstone on it.

"Thank you baby girls." JJ said as she hugged Amber and Riley

"Welcome." Amber and Riley said

"There is one more surprise and it is for Mama." Amber said

JJ turned to look at Emily and was surprise to Emily on her knees holding a ring.

"Jennifer Jareau will you marry me?" Emily asked

JJ had tears streaming down her face.

"Yes." JJ said

Emily slid the ring on JJ finger, and stood up, and cupped JJ cheeks and they kissed.

"Happy mother day!" The girls said.

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