Date night

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The next day

Jareau-Prentiss household

JJ and Emily were waiting for Riley to come over to watch the kids because Emily had a surprise for JJ.

A few minutes later there was a knock on the door.

Emily gets up and open the door.

"Well hello Riley, thanks for coming." Emily said

"Problem." Before Riley could say anything else Sophia came running out of her run.

"Riley!" Sophia said as she hugged her sister

"Hey Soph. Where are Ruby and Henry at?" Riley asked

"In their room doing homework." Sophia said

"Oh." Riley said

"Hey Sophia how about you go to your room real quick while we talk to Riley." JJ said as she walked over to where Riley and Emily stood.

"Okay." Sophia said as she walked into her room.

"Okay what up?" Riley asked

"We were just wondering how you were doing." JJ said

"Good, why do you ask?" Riley asked, then she noticed how JJ and Emily looked at each other.

"Madison told you what happened last night, did she?" Riley asked

"Well she was worried about you and she tried to talk to you this morning, she just avoided the question." Emily said

"So it was just a nightmare." Riley said

"Yeah, but you have been having nightmares every night since you guys moved here." JJ said

"I know. Can we talk about this some other time?" Riley Asked

"Sure." JJ said

"Great. Y'all should get going." Riley said

"Yeah. I'm going to say bye to the kids." JJ said as she walked over to the kids room.

"Hey where are you taking her?" Riley asked Emily

"Ice skating." Emily said

"Cool, wait, you know that she never ice skated before. You know that right." Riley said

"Yeah I do." Emily said right as JJ walked out the room.

"Well bye." Riley said as they walked out.

"Bye." JJ and Emily said

JJ and Emily walked to Emily's car and got in.

"So where are you taking me tonight?" JJ asked

"It is a surprise." Emily said as she pulled out of the driveway.

30 minutes later they pulled up to the ice rink.

"I'm taking you ice skating." Emily said

"You do know..." But before she could finish what she was saying Emily cut her off.

"Yeah i know. I'll teach you." Emily said as they get out of the car.

They walked closer to the ramp, placing their hand on the barricade as they stared at the rink.

"You ready?" Emily asked

"Yeah." JJ said as she gripped Emily's arm, trying to keep her balance as Emily led her onto the rink.

After a while, JJ got the hang of ice skating.

"Hey, I think i'm getting the hang of it." JJ said

"Yeah you are doing great." Emily said

After a few hours of ice skating they went home. When they walked into their house they were surprised to see everyone on the couches sleeping.

"They looked so cute." JJ said

"Yeah." Emily said as Riley started to wake up.

"Hey guys how was ice skating?" Riley asked

"It was fun." JJ said

"How long have the kids been asleep?" Emily asked

"About an hour. Oh look at the time I should get going." Riley said

"Are you sure, you could stay the night." JJ said

"I would love to stay the night but i have some work to do." Riley said as she walked over to the door.

"Okay bye. Love you." JJ said

"Love you too." Riley said as she walked out of the house.

Please tell me what you think of the story so far. I hope you like this chapter.

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