Friday night
The doorbell ring and JJ walked over to the door and answered it.
"So are you little gumdrops ready to go?" Garica asked as she walked into the house
"Yeah. Bye Mom. Bye Mama." Girl said at the same time.
"Bye." JJ and Emily said at the same time as they watched them leave.
After the girls left. They walked to their car and got in.
"It was sweet that the girls came up with this idea." JJ said
"I know. We have this whole weekend by ourselves without the girls." Emily said
"So where are we going?" JJ asked
"It was a surprise." Emily said
"Okay." JJ said
The drive went on for ten minutes. When they got there, Emily parked their car
"We are here." Emily said
JJ looked out the window.
"This is where we had our first date." JJ said
"Yes it is. Now come on." Emily said as she got out of the car.
Emily locked the car and they walked into the restaurant.
They continued to eat and talk.
When they were finished they went on a walk in the park then went home. By the time they got home it was 11pm. So after a little fun they went to bed.
At Garcia House
Everyone in the house was asleep. Garcia was in her room sleeping. The girls were in their room sleeping till Riley woke up pain in her abdominal. Riley had the same pain ever since they got to Garcia house and that was four hours ago. She had lost her appetite. Riley sat up a little when a suddenly sharp pain traveled to her bottom right side of her abdominal.
"Shit." Riley said a little too loud.
"Riley are you okay?" Amber asked
"Yeah I'm fine. Go back to back." Riley said
"No you are not, it sounds like you are in pain. Now tell me the truth," Amber said
"Find my abdomen hurts." Riley said
"Okay I'm going to get Garcia." Amber said
A few seconds later Garcia came running into the room.
"Gumdrop, what wrong?" Garcia asked
"My stomach hurts like hell." Riley said
"You might have appendicitis. I'm going to take you to the hospital." Garica said
Amber helped Riley into the car. Then Amber, Sophia, and Garcia get into the car.
"Im have to call you mom and mama." Garcia said
"Okay." Riley said
JJ and Emily were asleep when they got the call from Garcia.
"Garcia is anything okay?" Emily asked
"No i think Riley might have had appendicitis. I'm taking her to the hospital. Sorry to ruin your date weekend." Garcia said
"No it's okay, I'm glad you call. We'll be right there." Emily said
"Okay see you there." Garcia said as she hung up the phone.
Emily told JJ what was going on and they left.
Riley was taken back into the operating room a few minutes later before JJ and Emily arrived at the hospital.
Emily and JJ told Garcia to take Amber and Sophia back to the house while they stayed there with Riley.
A few minutes later the doctor walked out into the wait room.
"The operation was a success and Riley is being taken to ICU." The doctor told them.
"Can we see her?" JJ asked
"Sure." The doctor said. They walked down the hall to Riley room.
JJ and Emily walked into the room.
"When she goes home she will have to take it easy for a couple of days before she can do your normal routine." The doctor said
"Okay thank you doctor." JJ said
"Hey baby girl, how are you feeling?" JJ asked
"Fine. Sorry that I ruined your date weekend.." Riley said
"Riley honey you didn't ruin anything. We want to be here for you. You are more important than a date." JJ said
Riley just nodded.
"Get some sleep." Emily said
"Okay." Riley said as she fell asleep.

What is going on over there: Season 1, 2 and 3
FanfictionSeason 1: When a father and daughter move next door to JJ and Emily. They notice something was up. Can JJ and Emily help the girl or not? *WARNING: CHILD ABUSE.* Season 2: Here is the sequel to What going on over there: season one. Let find out hav...