Last day together

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A four day later

"Okay who is ready to go to the water park?" Riley asked her sister and brother and kids.

"Me!" Everyone said

"Then let go." Amber said as they walked out the doors.

The water park

"I am so glad that we have hangout together as a family again." Amber said

"Yeah I know the past four days have been fun, but we will have to go home soon." Riley said

"But you are coming back right?" Amber said her little sister

"Yeah." Riley said

"Great. When are you guys leaving?" Amber asked, not even looking at her.

"Tomorrow is our last day here. We leave tomorrow night." Riley said as Sky home ran toward them.

"Mommy! Come and play with us." Sky said

"Okay. Are you coming with?" Riley said

"Let's go." Amber said as they ran to the pool.

JJ and Emily house later on that day

"The past four day has been fun. I hope you guys don't have to leave." Sophia said

"I know but the girls will be starting school soon and i want to spend time with my family." Riley said

"But we are your family." Sophia

"I know but i have another family. Maybe one day when Madison and I don't have work and the kids don't have school we can come visit again." Riley said

"Yeah." Henry and Ruby said at the same time.

"I might just come back before i head back to work." Riley said as she looked out the window and spotted the same guy she saw when they arrived at the apartment standing outside the apartment building but she did not think too much about it.

"Hey Riles are you okay?" Henry asked

"Yeah, I'm fine." Riley said as she put on a fake smile.

"So what should we do tonight?" Sophia asked

"Movie night." Both if the twins said

"Okay movie night it is." Everyone said as they got ready to watch a movie.

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