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Later that day

Riley's room

To: Madison

R U awake

A few minutes later Riley's phone lit up.

From: Madison


To: Madison

I wanted to talk about what happens earlier today. I feel bad about how I act. I did mean to scare you. I do like you back, it's just that I never felt this way for anyone and to be truthful it kind of scares.

From: Madison

So does that mean I have a shot?

To: Madison

Yes, we can give us a change.

From: Madison

That's awesome. We should have a sleepover over the weekend.

To: Madison

I will think about that.

From: Madison

Great. I have to go talk to you tomorrow.

Then Riley turned off her phone and fell asleep.

The next morning

Riley walked down the hall to her locker to get her book for her second hour. When she turned the corner she saw Olivia and Olivia was waiting for her.

"Hi." Riley said as she open her locker.

"You need to talk to your girlfriend." Olivia said

"Why and how do you know that Madison and I are dating?" Riley asked

"She told us last night and she is in the janitor's closet crying. She will not talk to us. So you need to talk to her." Olivia said

"Fine. Which janitor closet?" Riley asked

"The one next to Amber locker." Olivia said

"Okay." Riley said as she walked to the janitor closet.

Madison was in the Janitor closet crying about what Jessica said again. Madison thought was interrupted by Riley voice.

"Madison. Are you in there?" Riley asked

"Mads." Riley said again

"Go away." Madison said

"You no, I can't do that. Why are you in there crying? Could you open the door please?" Riley asked, trying to get Madison to open the door.

MAdison got up and opened the door. Riley walked in and gave Madison a big hug.

"So are you going to tell me why you are crying?" Riley said as they sat on the floor.

"Emily knows something about me, something mad. She is doing this because she is mad that Olivai is friends with us." Madison said

Riley was about to talk when she noticed cuts on Madison's wrist.

"Hey what's that on your wrist?" Riley asked

Riley could see the fear in her girlfriend's eyes.

"Nothing." Madison lied

"It doesn't look like nothing." Riley said

"Come on Riley it nothing." Madison said as she got up.

"Madison I'm going to ask you something and I want you to be honest with me okay." Riley said

"Okay." Madison said knowing what was about to happen.

"Are you cutting yourself?" Riley asked

"Why would you think that." Madison said

"Madison just answer the question please." Riley said with tears running down her faces.

Madison knew if she lied to Riley it would break her heart.

"Yes. But you don't understand." Madison said looking away from her girlfriend.

"Madison, I do understand." Riley said walked toward Madison

"What do you mean?" Madison asked

"I used to cut myself." Riley said

"Why?" Madison asked

"Because I thought that I was worthless." Riley said

"When did you stop?" Madison asked

"Well you know the few weeks I missed school?" Riley asked


"Well i was in the psych ward. So I'm telling you this because I don't want that to happen to you. I want to help you." Riley said

"Why did you start cutting yourself?" Madison asked

"I was 12 after my father raped me." Riley said

"I'm sorry." Madison said

"There's nothing to be sorry for. I'm better now than all in my past. Why did you start cutting?" Riley asked

"I hate school. Jessica just makes it worse." Madison said

"Okay how about when you feel like cutting yourself please talk to me no matter what time it is. Okay." Riley said

"Okay." Madison said

"Great." Riley said as her phone lit up.

"Who is that?" Madison said

"It's Amber and Olivia, they are worried about you." Riley said

Before Madison could answer there was a knock on the door.

"Can we come in?" They heard Oliva say

"Sure." Madison said

"Well hello. How are you doing Madison?" Olivia asked

"Okay." Madison said

"So was it Jessica who made you cry?" Amber asked

Madison just nodded her head.

"That bitch is dead!" Olivia said as she got up but stopped my Riley.

"You are not going to killer Jessica. We can report her to the office." Riley said

"Fine, but if she does anything to you, i'm going to kill her." Olivia said

"I am with you on that." Amber said

"Me too." Riley said

"We have your back Maddie." Amber said

"Thank you." Madison said

"So when did you two stared dating?" Olivia asked

"Yesterday." Madison said

"That's great." Olivia and Amber said at the same time

Riley looked at her phone and saw that it was almost lunch time.

"Hey guys we need to get going, it is almost lunch time." Riley said

"Okay." They all said as they walked out the door.

What is going on over there: Season 1, 2 and 3Where stories live. Discover now