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A few minutes later they arrived home. Riley kicked off her shoes and started walking to her room but Emily stopped her.

"So sweetie, how was school?" Emily asked

"It was okay." Riley said.

"So you made a nice friend. What is her name?" Emily asked

"Madison. Now can I go to my room now?" Riley said annoyed.

"Sure, but are you okay?" Emily asked

"Yeah I'm just fine mom I'm just tired." Riley said

"Okay. I have to go back to the BAU, me and mom will be right little after 8. Okay there is leftover pizza in the refrigerator." Emily said as she kissed Riley's forehead.

"Bye." Riley said as she walked into her room.

At The BAU headquarters

"Hey Emily, how was Riley on the first day of school." Garcia asked.

"Well she says it was good but it feels like she is hiding something from me. I just don't know what." Emily said

"I can talk to her after we get off work if she is still awake." JJ said

"Yeah maybe she might open up to JJ." Reid said

"Yeah you might be right. Come on, let's finish our work." Emily said. After work JJ and Emily house

When they walked into the house they saw Riley sitting on the couch watching a movie. They took off their shoes. JJ went and sat next to Riley while Emily went to change her clothes.

"Hey you alright love. Mom said that you didn't talk much about school. Was it okay." JJ said.

"I'm fine. School is just boring. I'm fine though really." Riley said, smiling.

"You know you can talk to us, right?" JJ said.

"I know Mama." Riley said.

"I'm gonna go to bed now. I'm tired. Love you goodnight." Riley said.

"Love you too sweetie. Sleep well." JJ said as she walked into her and Emily room.

"Hey how did it go?" Emily asked

"Well she said she was fine and that school was okay, but I couldn't shake the feeling that something is wrong with her." JJ said

"I know honey. We can't force her to talk so when she is ready to talk we will be here for her. Now let's go to bed." Emily said.

They fell asleep worrying about Riley.

A/N I will try to update the story every other day if not maybe only once a week.

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