Finding out

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Trigger warning: ED and Self Harm

Saturday Morning

Riley was sitting on her bed and opened her laptop. It was Saturday and all Riley wanted to do was to stay in her room all day and do nothing.

"Riley come and eat." JJ yelled from the kitchen

Riley walked out of her room and walked into the kitchen.

"I am not hungry." Rile said as she turned around.

"You are going to eat then after we are going to meet Garcia at the movie." Emily said.

"No, I don't want to. Why can't I just stay home?" Riley begged.

"Because you have to get out of the house and have some fun, now you go and eat." Emily said

"Fine." Riley said

After Riley was done eating she went to the bathroom. When she got to the bathroom she bent over the toilet and shoved 2 fingers in the back of her throat until she felt herself gag and watched as the food poured from her. Riley has been doing this for a while now. She stood up and washed her face. Then she walked back into the kitchen.

One Hour later

JJ, Riley, and Emily meet Garcia at the movie.

"Hi Garcia." JJ said

"Hey JJ. Hey Emily. And Hey little gumdrop." Garcia said as she hugged them

"So what movie are we going to watch?" Garcia asked

"I don't care what we watch. Why can't I just stay at home." Riley said

"I already told you." Emily said

"Fine." Riley said as she walked into the the movie theater

"Ok, well she is in a bad mood today." Garcia said

"Yep. Come on let go." JJ said

A few hours later JJ and Emily house

"Hey Riley we need to talk." JJ said but Riley keep on walking

"Riley!" Emily said a little louder.

"What!" Riley yelled

"Dont what us. What is going on with you?" Emily said

"Nothing just leave me alone!" Riley said as she ran to her room.

She had closed her door and rolled up her sleeve and was just about to start cutting when Emily and JJ walked in.

"What! Why are you doing this?" JJ asked as they before rushed over to Riley and took a close look at Riley's arm.

"Sweetheart talk to us please." Emily said

"GO AWAY. LEAVE ME ALONE." Riley screamed

Emily and JJ moved close to Riley and JJ pulled her into her arms.

"We are not going anywhere." Emily said

Riley tries to get out of the mama grip but her mama would not let go. After a few minutes she gave up.

"We're here baby girl. We're here." JJ said

JJ moved Riley to their room and laid her on their bed. Then they both laid down next to their daughter.

"We are going to take a nap and then when we wake up we are going to talk." Emily said.

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