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The next day

"Okay everyone is going to go over to Diana house for a while." Riley said

"Why?" Sky asked

"Because I have to go to a doctor appointment." Riley said

"Oh okay." Andre said

"When are we leaving?" Sabrina asked

"Around 3. I will be dropping you all at her house for just a few hours." Riley said as her phone started to ring.

"Thompson." Riley answer

"Hello Mrs Thompson it Mrs Brown calling." Mrs Brown said

"Oh hi." Riley said

"I'm calling because i have some very good news." She said

"Okay." Riley said

"Okay so i have talked to the judge who is on Sabrina and Taylor's case and she said in two weeks on Tuesday will be the day for the hearing on the adoption at 10am." Mrs Brown said

"That's great and how long will the process take?" Riley asked

"Well you and your wife are both NCIS agents, things will speed up so it will only take a month." said

"Really?" Riley asked


"Well thank you for everything, Mrs Brown. We really appreciate it." Riley thanked her.

"You are very welcome. Have a great day." Mrs Brown said

"You too." Riley said as she hung up the phone.

Riley is planning on telling everyone the news when Madison comes home.

The OBGYNs office

Riley arrived at the OBGYNs office and made her way inside. When Dr. Patterson walked into the waiting room.

"So Riley, are you ready to find out what you are having?" Dr. Patterson.

"Yep." Riley said as she laid on the bed.

"It's going to be a little cold." Dr. Patterson said as she put the gels on Riley's stomach.

"Well congratulations you are having twins. Both girls." Dr. Patterson said.

"That is great." Riley said as she stood up and walked out the office after making another appointment.

6pm Thompson household

Everyone was in the living room but Taylor who was sleeping.

"Okay everyone mama and I have some good news." Riley said

"What?" They all said who asked curiously.

"So my first new is Sabrina and Taylor will be officially part of our family in a month." Riley said and she saw everyone's face light up.

"Yeah!" They all yelled

"Shh. We have to be quiet or we will wake up Taylor." Madison said

"Okay then what is the other news?" Madison asked

"Are we going to have a baby sister?" Sky asked

"Or a baby brother?" Andre asked

"Both." Riley said with a smile.

"Yeah!" They all said

"Great. Now it's late so let's get ready for bed. Tomorrow Sky, Liz, and Andre have to go to school. We will enroll Sabrina into school tomorrow. Sabrina what grade are you in?" Madison asked

"10th." Sabrina said

"Okay thanks. Now it's bedtime." Riley said

"Okay." They all said as they walked to their room.

What is going on over there: Season 1, 2 and 3Where stories live. Discover now