Staying the night

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Emily was already in bed when JJ returned.

"Is she asleep?" Emily asked.

"Not yet, but almost." JJ said.

"Come lay down." Emily said.

JJ smiled and got into bed next to her girlfriend.

Emily immediately wrapped her arms around JJ's stomach and held her close.

"We have to find a living relative." Emily said out of the blue.

"Yeah." JJ agreed, looking at Emily.

"Yeah, we'll find out tomorrow." Emily suggested and JJ smiled.

"Yeah, but we should ask Riley first." JJ said and Emily agreed.

Emily kissed JJ's lips softly.

"Night, Jen."

"Night, Em."

Almost time to wake up:

"No! Stop! Please! No!"

Emily and JJ woke up and immediately headed towards the guest room.

Emily stayed by the door while JJ went over to the bed where the young girl was in the middle of a nightmare.

"Riley. Riles! It's okay, you're alright. Wake up honey." JJ said as she shook Riley's shoulders.

"NO! STOP!" Riley cried in her sleep as she continued to toss and turn.

"RILEY! WAKE UP!" JJ said louder this time and more desperate.

Riley sat up straight breathing heavily, with sweat glistening across her forehead.

"It's just me and Emily, no one else, okay? Nobody's going to hurt you anymore." JJ assured.

Riley nodded.

"I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to wake you up. I'm so sorry." She apologized.

"You don't have to apologize for having a nightmare." JJ said.

"Do you want to talk about it?" JJ asked.

"He was-" Riley's voice cracked and she started crying.

"Shh, it's okay. You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to, okay?" JJ assured.

"Well, I'm going to make breakfast, do you like pancakes, Riley?" Emily suggested wiggling her eyebrows in a funny way.

"Sure." She replied.

"I'll help you out, Em, before you embarrass yourself with burnt pancakes." JJ teased.

Emily looked at JJ pretending to be offended.

"I do know how to cook, and my pancakes do not get burnt! You're only jealous cause you can't make them better than me!" Emily said as she stuck her tongue out like a child.

By now they had reached the kitchen and Riley was looking amused at the two agents.

"Jealous? Really? Oh please, I can cook a lot better than you!" JJ replied, sticking her tongue out, imitating Emily.

Riley now had a raised eyebrow and was laughing quietly at the two.

"Can I help?" She asked hesitantly.

"Sure, come on. We'll show Emily what it takes to be a good cook." JJ said as she winked at Riley.

"Oh come on, that's not fair, that's two against one." Emily pouted.

"Why don't we do it together instead of against each other?" Riley suggested, hesitantly.

Emily raised her eyebrows and JJ smirked.

"I think we can manage that, right Em?" JJ asked.

"Yeah, I think we can manage that,Too." Emily agreed.

They got the ingredients and started making the pancakes before sitting down to eat them.

"Riley, we need to ask you something."

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