School bully

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TW: Self harm

Riley pulled out my schedule. My first class was Math with Mrs.G. She was talking advanced class.

Riley was in the class staring out the window. Riley was staring into space when someone pushed her shoulder.

"Riley, pay attention." Her math teacher Mrs. G said.

"Sorry Mrs. G." Riley said shifting in her seat.

"So, new girl what your name?" The girl next to her asked

But Riley ignores her.

"Hey she asked you a question or are you to dumb to remember how to talk."

"Well how about you shut up and attention to the teacher instead of talking to me." Riley said

Riley was walking to her locker when the same girl from her first class walked up to her with her friends.

"Hey new girl we need to talk."

"What do you want."

"Listen here bitch no one talked to me like that, got it?" She girl said

"Whatever you say." Riley said as She tried to walk away. But she pushed me where no one could see us.

"You should respect me. Also my name is Olivia" She said

"Why should I respect you? First of all if you want someone to respect you, you should not be a bitch." I said.

The next thing Riley knew was that she punched me in the face.

"How about you just go kill youself or something because you are not welcome here, Bitch." Olivia said as she walked off laughing.

She stood up trying to ignore the pain she felt burning through my body. She walked into the bathroom. As soon as she was alone she pulled out her razor. All the words that Olivia said were replaying in her head as a tear went down her face as she made my first cut.

A few minutes later she finally cleaned up all the blood.

After she cleaned up the blood she walked to the lunch room for lunch. When she walked into the lunch room she was stopped by Olivia and her friend.

"Hey bitch why weren't you in class did you try to kill yourself." Olivia said

"Olivia stop being a bicth and leave her alone." Some girl behind Riley said.

"Oh look who it is Madison. How about you just run all to somewhere. The grown ups are talking." Olivia said as her friend laugh.

"You need to fuck off. Just leave us alone." Riley said

"You can't tell me what to do. I run this school. I will make your life a living hell. Just wait till tomorrow." Olivia said as she walked away.

"Thanks for sticking up for me. I am Riley." Riley said

"No problem, I'm Madison. Do you want to come sit with me?" Madison asked

"Sure." Riley said

The next couple of hours went by fast. By the time Riley knew it, it was time to go home.

"Hey, Riley, I forgot to get your phone number." Madison said

"Sure it is 202-150-1116." I said

They were talking till Riley heard a car then She turned around to see Emily.

"Oh that my ride. See you today." Riley said

"Okay Bye." Madison said

She gave me a hug and Riley hugged her back and went to where Emily was.

"New friend huh." Emily said

"Yep." Riley said

Riley waved goodbye to Madison as They left.

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