Are we family or not?

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Jareau-Prentiss household

"Mama there is someone at the door." Henry said as JJ walked to the door and opened it.

"Hi." Riley said with a big smile.

"Hi baby. I'm so glad that you are back." JJ said as she hugged her

"Yeah me too." Riley said as she hugged JJ back.

"Guys look who here." JJ said to everyone.

"Riley!" Sophia, Ruby, and Henry said at the same time.

"Hi." Riley said as she hugged them all.

"How was the mission?" Sophia asked

"It was okay. I'm just glad it's over." Riley said as Emily and Amber walked out of the kitchen.

"What up little sis, It's good to see you." Amber said as she hugged Riley.

"Hi." Riley said again.

"So what did I miss?" Riley asked

Amber, JJ, Emily, and Sophia just looked at each other.

"Okay why are you guys looking at each other like that?" Riley asked

"We should talk outside." Amber said

"Okay." They said.

Riley, Amber and Sophia all walked outside in the backyard.

"Okay what is going?" Riley asked

"Okay Two weeks ago we found out that mother is alive." Sophia said

"Okay what did she want?" Riley asked

"She wants to speak to us." Amber said

"Oh okay. So are you guys going to talk to her?" Riley asked her sister

"Yes." Amber and Sophia said

"Okay then. I'm not talking to her." Riley said

"Why not?" Sophia asked

"Because I don't want to and I don't have to." Riley said

"Yeah but she is our mother." Amber said

"So what does that have to do with it Amber, yeah just because she is our mother doesn't mean she will be in my life." Riley said

"So you don't want her in your kids lives?" Amber asked

"Nope." Riley said

Sophia saw that her older sister was about to get into a fight so she decided to go to bed trying not to get in the fight.

"I think i'm going to go to bed." Sophia said

"Okay night." Amber and Riley said at the same time.

They waited till Sophia was in the house before they started talking again.

"Okay I see why you don't want her in your life, but before you do that she should really talk to her and find out why she did that." Amber said

"There's nothing to talk about. I will never have her in my life or my family life. She will never be my mother." Riley said

"You know you only think about yourself." Amber yelled

"No, I don't." Riley yelled back at Amber

"Yes you do." Amber said

"Okay then, name one time I only thought about myself." Riley said

"Okay then, let me think." Amber said

A few minutes later

"Okay here one, when Jack and Sam were killed, you did not even bother to call us telling us that you were alive." Amber said

"So, I already told you why i did it." Riley said

"Yeah and like I said you were only thinking about yourself." Amber said

"In the last eight years ever since I was kidnapped I never thought about myself and only thought about what was best for my family and trying to keep them safe." Riley said

"But you do know we are your family too. Right?" Amber asked

"I know that." Riley said

"You never act like we are. Like if we were your family you would have called." Amber said

"Why are you keeping on bringing this up?" Riley asked

"Because what you did hurt me badly. I just wish you never came home." Amber yelled

"So you wish that you never knew that I were alive. I wish that same thing. I wish my team never never had to ask for help from the FBI. I wish I was still in California and no one knew that Madison and I were alive." Riley said

"Did you just hear what you said? I told you that you only think about yourself." Amber yelled at Riley.

"You know what, I'm done with this. I'm done fighting about what to do in my life. I'm done with you and your bullshit. Don't call me or anything. You are not my sister anymore. Hope you are happy." Riley said as she walked to her car.

"Damn it." Amber said as she kicked the wall.

A few minutes later JJ and Emily walked outside.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Emily asked

"Riley hates me." Amber said

"Why do you say that?" JJ asked

"Because she said I'm not her sister anymore." Amber said

"What happens before that?" Emily asked

"Well I said i wish i never knew that she was alive." Amber said

"Why did you say that to her?" Emily asked

"I don't know." Amber said

"You know Amber, Riley has been through a lot in the past years and what you just said to her does not make her feel any better. This is hard for her. But right now she needs time." JJ said

"Fine." Amber said

"Okay great." Emily said

"I'm going to call Madison and tell her what happens." JJ said as she walked back into the house.

"Are you coming back inside?" Emily asked as she got up.

"Yeah, in a little bit." Amber said

"Okay." Emily said as she walked back inside.

JJ and Emily walked into their room.

"Im worried about Riley." JJ said

"Yeah be too, yeah but hopefully Madison can find out what's wrong." Emily said

"Are you sure because Riley has been very quiet lately." JJ said

"Yeah she has. Right now let's get some rest." Emily said

"Yeah." JJ said as she got in bed.

"Night." JJ said

"Night." Emily said

Thompson household

When Riley walked into her house she was surprised to see Madison sitting in the living room waiting for her.

"Hi. Are the kids asleep?" Riley asked as she walked into the living room.

"They are. Hey come sit, i think we should talk." Madison said

"Could we talk about this tomorrow please, I am very tired." Riley said

"Sure." Madison said as they walked into their bedroom.

What is going on over there: Season 1, 2 and 3Where stories live. Discover now