The next morning
Madison woke up the next morning and walked into the kitchen. She decided on letting Riley sleep.
A few minutes later Madison's phone started ringing.
"Hey, JJ what up?" Madison answered her phone.
"Hey, sorry to bother you so early but I was wondering how Riley is doing?" JJ asked
"You are not bothering me and Riley is sleeping right now. She had a very bad panic attack last night." Madison said
"Oh. I really hope she is okay." JJ said
"How's the kids?" Madison asked
"They are eating right now. Emily and I are going to take them to the waterpark later on today." JJ said
"That's cool. Have you talked to Amber?" Madison asked
"Nope." JJ said
"How is Sophia doing with everything that happened last night?" Madison asked
"Well she mad at Amber for what she said to Riley. Right now I do not know how she is feeling about everything." JJ said
"Yeah I don't blame her for being mad at Amber too. Because what she did to Riley was not okay." Madison said
"Yeah but when Riley and you weren't in her life she was not great." JJ said
"What do you mean?" Madison asked
"It is not my story to tell." JJ said
"Okay." Madison said
"I should get going." JJ said
"Okay bye." Madison said
"Bye." JJ said as she hung up the phone.
Madison just sat down on the couch thinking about what JJ meant.
After a few minutes she heard noises coming from the bedroom. She walked into the bedroom and saw Riley sitting on the edge of the bed, her back toward her.
"Riley?" Madison said as she walked around to face her.
"What are you thinking about?" Madison asked
Riley just sat there and didn't say anything.
"Riley please talk to me." Madison said
"There nothing to talk about."Riley said
"Yes there is Riley. Please dont shut me out again." Madison said, trying to get Riley to talk to her.
Riley is just sitting there looking at the wall. She said nothing.
"Riley, you need to stop acting like this." Madison said
"Acting like what Madison?" Riley asked now looking at Madison.
"You are acting like a Bitch. Yesterday if Sophia didn't text me and JJ saying that you and Amber were fighting, you would have killed your sister." Madison said
"Oh now you think I'm a bitch." Riley said looking Madison in the eyes.
"No, I don't think you are a bitch, I said you are acting like a bitch. Ever Since you got back from Syria you have been acting different like you don't want to be here with your family. You have been pulling away from everyone, ever from your kids. Now you have to talk to me about what is going on." Madison said
"I can't do this." Riley said as she got up and started pacing around the room.
"You can't do what, Riley?" Madison asked
"I'm tired of Amber trying me what to do, sometimes I wished they still thought that we were dead." Riley said
"Why?" Madison asked
"I hate living here. I missed my life in California. I'm not comfortable in my old life living here. It's not like i missed my old life but i like my new life living in California." Riley said, finally sitting down on the bed again.
"Riley, why didn't you tell me you felt this way?" Madison asked
"I've only been back for Four days. So I decided to wait for a while before trying you, but what Amber said to me last night changed my mind." Riley said
"And what did she say?" Madison asked
"Well she said that you would leave me and that Once i die no one cares that you were dead and that no one cared about you now." Riley said
"Riley listened to me and what Amber said was not true. I would never leave you and everyone does care about you." Madison said
"I know that. Like what is up with Amber telling me what to do." Riley said
"Well JJ said something about Amber, after our fake death Amber wasn't okay. I asked her what she meant but she said it wasn't her story to tell." Madison said
"I don't care about Amber." Riley said
"Okay you might not care about her but something happens after we fake our death, and that might be the reason why she is mad at you." Madison said
Riley just sits there looking at the wall.
"Okay i might talk to her once I'm settled down." Riley said
"Okay." Madison said
"Great, but i have to get to work for some reason." Riley said as she got ready.
"Are you sure?" Madison asked
"I'm fine Madison, what happened last night will not happen again." Riley said
"You don't know that." Madison said
"Fine, if it makes you happy, I will bring my work home and work on it here." Riley said
"I'm okay with that." Madison said
"Great." Riley said
"Oh yeah one more thing i want to ask you." Madison said
"Okay what is it?" Riley asked
"I know what happens in Syria." Madison said softly.
Once Madison mentioned Syria she saw fear in Riley's eyes.
"What do you mean?" Riley asked
"Riley did something happen in Syria that you are not telling me." Madison said
"I already told you nothing happens in Syria that you need to know." Riley
"Really Riley, I'm the chief, they had to report to me about the mission." Madison said
"How much do you know?" Riley asked
"All I know is that your cover was almost blow and that you were held hostage." Madison said
"Yeah i was just glad that my cover wasn't blow, and yeah i was held hostage but by a different terrorist group that saw me with the group that i was in uncover with. And since I was deeply uncovering the only person that could save me was the group I was working with. But after almost two weeks the group did save me. Then a month later I was finally finished with my mission and everyone in the group is now in prison and the leader is dead." Riley said
"I'm sorry that happens to you." Madison said
"Yeah not really a big deal, it's part of the job. Now i really have to pick up some paperwork" Riley said as she walked out of the bedroom.
Madison just sat there for a while thinking about everything Riley said though her head. Before walking to her office to do some paperwork. She is very worried about Riley because of what she said.

What is going on over there: Season 1, 2 and 3
FanfictionSeason 1: When a father and daughter move next door to JJ and Emily. They notice something was up. Can JJ and Emily help the girl or not? *WARNING: CHILD ABUSE.* Season 2: Here is the sequel to What going on over there: season one. Let find out hav...