It okay

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Riley woke up still wrapped in JJ and Emily's arms. Riley did not want to talk to JJ and Emily about why she was cutting. She tries to get out of the bed without making any sound. But when she moved she woke up both of her mothers.

"Where are you going?" Emily muttered

"To my room." Riley said

"Not so fast. We need to talk." JJ said as she sat up.

Riley just rolled her eyes and sat in between JJ and Emily.

"So how long have you been cutting yourself sweetie?" Emily asked.

"I started when I was 12 but then I stopped when I started living with you guys, But i started again when I started school." Riley said.

"Why?" JJ asked

"I was doing fine until I started school and this girl started picking on me. She told me to go and killed myself and that no one would care about me." Riley said

"Why didn't you tell us?" Emily asked

"I do not know. I'm sorry." Riley said

"It okay but promise us that you will not cut yourself and i want you to give us everything you are cutting with." Emily said


"Also there is one other thing I want to talk about." JJ said

"I have noticed that you have lost weight. Do you want to tell us why?" JJ question

"I stop eating and when I do eat I just throw it up." Riley said

"Why?" Emily asked

"Because I'm fat." Riley said

"Riley you are not fat. You are a beautiful young girl." Emily said

"Yeah right." Riley said

"Riley you are and nothing or no one can change that." JJ said

"No, I'm not." Riley said

"Yes you are but doing this is not healthy if something is wrong please come and talk to us okay." JJ said


"Great. Now come on, let's watch a movie before we go to bed." Emily said.

Monday morning

"Good morning sweetheart." JJ said

"Good morning. So what are we eating today" Riley said

"Chocolate chips pancake, with strawberry and blueberry." Emily said

"Great. Let's hurry. I don't want to be late for school." Riley said as she said down next to JJ.

"You still want to go to school?" Emily asked

"Yeah, I'm not going to let Olivia ruin my life." Riley said

"That my girl." JJ said

At school

"Hey Riley." Madison said as she walked up to Riley locker.

"Hey Madison. Why are you so happy?" Riley asked

"Because today we are going to audition for the music group here at school called purple mix." Madison said with a smile.

"First the school has a music group and second who is we?" Riley said

"Yes and you and I are going to try out for the group." Madison said

"No!" Riley said

"Come on it will be fun." Madison said

"Fine, what time is the audition at?" Riley asked

"2:30." Madison said

"Okay i will be there." Riley said

"Great." Riley said

"So we are going to do a duet together. Do you know the song titanium?" Madison said

"Yeah I do."

"Great see you there." Madison said as she walked away.

2:30 the choir room

"Okay next." The captain of the group Lilly said

Madison and Riley took a deep breath and walked onto the stage.

"Hi, I'm Madison and I'm Riley and we will be singing titanium by David Guetta." Madison and Riley said together

When The music started to play and Madison and Riley started singing. When Riley and Madison hit the high note everyone except Olivia cheered. When they finished they took a bow.

Lilly stood up and clasped as she walked onto the stage.

"There is no question about it you two are in." Lilly said

"OMG!" Riley and Madison said

Olivia got mad and walked out of the classroom.

JJ and Emily house

"Hey sweetheart, how was your day?" Emily asked

"It was Great. Madison and I audition for the school music group and we get in!" Riley said

"That great sweetie we are so proud of you." JJ said

"Thank you. I'm going to do my homework now." Riley said as she walked to her room.

What is going on over there: Season 1, 2 and 3Where stories live. Discover now