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A/N This is the last of a three part crossover that begins with Fires "Going to War," continues with Med's "When to Let Go," and ends with PD's above titled episode.

Please relax and enjoy the read!

~Princess <3

Ana stared at the empty hospital bed in thought, only looking away when she heard Ethan's voice as he walked over with Kim and Kevin following him.

"We were treating Jane Doe for third degree burns when she developed compartment syndrome." The doctor explained as they moved into the room. "It became clear Jane had been beaten before the fire. Nurse went to do rounds, saw her room like this."

"How long as she been gone for." Kevin wondered.

"Not long." Ana responded, alerting the two Officers to her presence. "We checked security tapes. She walked out alone at half past."

"Sarge." Kim greeted with a soft nod and began looking around for any clues.

"Hey, are you okay?" Kevin inquired, slightly concerned. "Boss wouldn't tell us why you were here in the first place."

"I'm fine, Kev." Ana assured with a smile. "51 responded to the call and one of us got hurt in the fire but she's fine now."

The male Officer nodded in understanding and went to reply but was cut off by Kim lifting the blanket with her pen, revealing a scalpel lying in a puddle of blood.

"What is that?" Ethan wondered, noticing a tiny square shaped object in the middle of the red liquid.

"That is a GPS chip." Kim answered, poking it with the butt of her pen. "She must have cut it out of herself. "

"Someone was tracking this poor girl." Ana realized in a low mutter.

"She's got life-threatening injuries." Ethan pointed out. "She's not gonna get far by herself."

The two Officers shared a look before one suddenly remember something and turned to the older woman.

"Sarge, Voight wanted you to know that he went looking for Jay in case you wanted to find him." Kim informed.

"Thanks, Kim." Ana smiled and turned to leave. "Let me know if you two find anything else."

"Will do, Sarge." Kevin replied.

*Office of Sharon Goodwin*

The owner, herself, Ana, Hank, Jay, Hailey, Antonio, Adam, Chief, and Kelly were all gathered around a conference table. Kim and Jay had found Jane Doe bleeding out not too far from the hospital and the younger male Detective was relaying what happened.

"She said she was hiding and he came to kill them. Then before she lost consciousness, she said that she would be free now." Jay recalled. "I'm running her prints and her DNA, but no ID yet."

Hank glanced down before looking at the two people across from him.

"Alright, Chief, Ana?" He inquired.

"The fire originated in apartment 20E." The brunette informed, stepping forwards and gesturing at a section of the map that was splayed out on the table.

"We found Jane Doe's body here outside of the apartment." Chief added, coming up on her left and pointing at said portion of the diagram. "Burns indicated she was most likely crawling, trying to escape the flames."

"Door to 20E was open. That's how the fire spread. The other John Does were found inside the apartment; one in the bed, one near the front door." Kelly finished, moving to Ana's right and gesturing to the map as he spoke.

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