to start

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Tomorrow is the first of spring, last month I found out my grandpa left me his old farm. I've never actually been there before, he would come up to zuzu alot when I was little and I only went to stardew valley one time and that was the day he died. That was almost 6 years ago. I was almost done packing all my stuff in my old truck. It used to be grandpas, but he left it for me when he passed. Apparently it seems like he left me everything except money. Which I didn't mind, I had alot saved after working at joja. Plus my dad sent me money when he sent me a letter so I was good. My mom met me outside as I got into my truck to head to stardew valley.

Mom:sweetie? Are you sure this is what you want?
Cam:yeah. Let's be honest, joja was draining me. This....this will be good for me.
Mom:ok...I love you. Please write ok?
Cam:i will. Goodbye mom.

I got to the bustop in town, the bus was broken down in its little spot. It looked like it hadn't been touched in years. As I pulled in a red headed woman comes up to my window.

Robin:hey! So you're cam? Nice to meet you! Alright just turn right into that driveway and you'll be home.
Cam:ok! Thanks, oh whats your name?
Robin:oh we have time for intros. I'll meet you up there!

She walked behind the truck and I parked near the gate to the entrance. Before I jumped out I saw an old man leave grandpas house. He looked up as I jumped out.

Lewis:wow, I haven't see this old thing in years.
Cam:oh yeah, he gave it to me when he passed. I love it.
Lewis:im glad to see it again. And to see you, im Lewis.
Cam:oh! My grandpa wrote in my letter to say hi to you.
Lewis:haha of course he did. He really loved everyone in town.
Robin:sorry about that, my daughter called me.

They introduced themselves. Lewis and Robin were very nice, a little annoying but that wasn't their fault. I was really tired and just wanted to sleep. As I laid down I hear a knock on my door, when I looked outside I saw a old man with purple hair and a funny hat. He left before I could answer the door. The next morning I found a note on my door, it was a list of the towns people and on the back it said "town bingo, find and introduce yourself to everyone in town!" I went through the pictures and grabbed my sketchbook as I headed aimlessly into town. It was 7am and no one seemed to be awake. I saw a dog and practically ran to him. I sat in his cage and pet him for a bit until his owner came out.

Alex:who the fuck are you?!
Cam:sorry. Um im cam. I own stardrop farm.
Alex:oh...youre the new kid. My grandpa used to tell me stories about your grandpa. I met him a few times but I was little.
Cam:yeah...he died when I was pretty small so I didn't get nearly as long as I wanted with him. Anyway, im cam.
Alex:oh im Alex. I live with my grandma and grandpa. Do you wanna meet them?

He brought me inside to two very old people. I remembered them though, they were at my grandpas cabin the day he passed. And the funeral. He showed me pictures of them together with their perspective children.

George:im George. Don't bother me now.
Evelyn:sorry sweetie. Oh do you remember us?
Cam:ya. Its nice to see you two again.
Evelyn:oh im so glad! It was a pretty bad day, i was afraid we'd have to reintroduce ourselves.
Cam: grandpa used to talk about you guys alot. I also saw pictures of you guys when you all had kids. It was cute.
Alex:wait do you still have the pictures?

I had them in my truck. I didn't unpack it yet but I knew I brought the photo album. I told Alex he can come by and look through the photos if he'd like after I finished unpacking and he told me he'd hold me up to it. George watched me as I left and I waved to him. As I walked outside I bumped into another person, he looked grumpy and tired. But I knew that expression too well. He was on his way to joja.

Cam:wait i have to introduce myself to you.
Shane:don't care.
Cam:at least tell me your name so I don't have to bug you again.

He pushed me and continued on. I followed him asking in various silly voices trying to get this bingo card finished. He walked into joja and I followed soon I saw his name tag.

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