sleep over

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Turns out everyone wanted to have a sleep over so abs and sam invited everyone when they found out we were headed back. "hope its ok, oh and maru and penny are coming in a bit they just needed to grab some stuff" sam said to us as i unlocked my door and rolled my eyes. Everyone entered and started to pick their spots. Sofia and Victor were in the kitchen getting all the food set up and alex was in my bed going through his phone. Penny and Maru were soon there as well and they were on my floor just talking and getting games set up, sam and abby were getting videos set up, hayley was getting the more girly games set up, Martin was standing awkwardly. 

"sorry i hope its ok i came. sam invited me yesterday and i wasnt sure if i wanted to come but i realized i really only leave my place for work." 

"its ok martin, im glad everyone made it."

i smiled and watched everyone start playing games as i headed to my room where alex still was. "hey." he looked up and smiled at me. "hey, im gonna shower so...get out" He laughed and said no as he went back to his phone. i rolled my eyes and headed to the bathroom to shower, soon alex entered the bathroom with me. "im so sorry but Hayley just found out that i changed my relationship status to single. if she thinks im showering she wont come in." i sighed and said fine, i heard him lock the door. "so..." then banging on the door. "HOW FUCKIN DARE YOU ALEX! OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW!" suddenly i heard the door unlock and alex jumped into the shower with me i stayed turned around not wanting to actually show my self and beyond angry this was happening. "DUDE!" he whispered please and i just stayed. "ALEX GET OUT!" i decided to speak instead, covering his mouth with my hand and finally facing him. "hayls im in here alone." she screamed and apologized. "cam im so sorry! his snapchat said he was taking a shower oh god im so so sorry! ill leave." she sounded so sad, "please re lock the door. and its fine. thanks hayls." i heard the door shut and i peaked out to make sure, i shut the water off and put my music louder so i could yell at alex. I wrapped my lower half with the towel. "ALEX! you are such a fuckin dick. how dare you drag me into that and even more why the FUCK did you come into the shower?!" he was red, i know he was staring at my scars and he saw that i dont have a dick. he looked embarrassed and confused. 

"im so sorry."

"its fine just..take a shower and ill wash your clothes with mine. dont tell anyone what happened here. got it?" 


I rolled my eyes and went into my room to change. i grabbed the clothes and went up to the laundry room that was above my room to find maru and penny making out in there. "can i wash my clothes real quick?" they both screamed and went on to explain, i ignored them and put my clothes in. as i left i told them id lock the door and be back in an hour to switch the clothes. i walked out to the living room to see everyone including hayley playing games and eating. "ah and there is our gracious host." abby screamed and left the game. "so any one else coming?" sam shook his head and said everyone else was too tired by the time they got the actual times to head over. apparently they planned this the day they found out we were going to zuzu.

As the night went on everyone played games and we watched a few movies, it was almost 2am and I went outside for a break from the noise. Alex decided to join me.

"Im sorry. I won't tell anyone I just...I needed to apologize."

"Its fine alex. But...whyd you break up with hayley to start?"

I looked at him, the moonlight hitting just the two of us. It felt like all the darkness surrounding us would be gone if we just walked around. His eyes looked like wet sand on the best beach day ever.

"Um just tired. Hayley can be a great person but...I want something new...something better. Ya know?"

*alexs pov*

I stared at their y/ec, the moon light hit them just right to look like a nostalgic dream. I tried not to stare too long but I know I did. When they came here the first time when their grandpa died I wanted to talk to them, they were so cute back then and now....they look like they really grew into themselves. I know I over stepped when I went into the bathroom and then the shower, I really fucked up. I just want to ask them on a date but it won't come out of my mouth.

"Hey you ok?"

"Huh? Yeah...I just feel so bad for doing that I wish I could erase it."

"Alex its fine. Really. Honestly most of town probably knows I don't have a dick at this point and truthfully it doesn't matter, it seems like everyone is very respectful of my pronouns so I don't care anymore. But you really shoulda just talked to her."

*your pov*

We sat in the silence, the end card music from the movie played and I saw the moonlight start to waver, begging us to come out to the grass. Soon alex stood in front of me and held out his hand.

"Can I have this dance?"

I laughed and grabbed his hand. We slow danced for a little while and then the rest joined us, sam and seb danced together, hayley and Abby, maru and marvin, Sofia and penny, and victor was asleep inside. The music ended and we all stayed and talked for a bit, but soon i joined victor inside to sleep. i found him in one of the guest rooms in his sleeping bag, i smiled and went to my own room to find abby already in my bed and asleep. I pushed her over a bit and went to bed, when i woke up her head was on my chest and i could smell rock salt and lavender. 

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