Sebs breakdown

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I sat on the floor to join him as he quietly sobbed into his knees. "hey." i tried to smile at him but i knew my face just looked concerned. "hey...." he sighed as he wiped his tears finally letting his head hit the air. "what year did your dad come to zuzu?" he looked at me confused but took the photo out and said, "it woulda been 10 years ago now..." i thought about it we woulda been about 11 maybe 12. "what did he do for a living?"

i tried to get as much from him as i could. "oh...i dont know, i think he was just a mechanic." he looked confused and sad. "do you know his name?" seb looked at me confused and nodded, he practically whispered "Sebastian mclain. i was named after him but i took my moms last name when he left us." i grabbed my phone and called me dad who answered fairly quickly. "hey kiddo! its kinda late isnt it?" i chuckled at the way he said kiddo, he always made it sound like he was a cartoon character. "ya but i need to know something, mind looking it up for me?" "of course, what is it" "well its a who, do you know of a sebatian mclain? M.C.L.A.I.N? yeah thats how its spelled." seb nodded as i spelled the name out. He looked confused but excited. i whispered to him, "oh my dad is a private investigator."

immediately  seb jumped up excited to get any knowledge. a few moments of silence and computer typing and my dads voice boomed once again, "here we are, he owns a mechanics shop in Zuzu. Looks like its called....sebs cars? yeah and thats really it, he was married once and had a kid but the info about them is scarce looks like they are off the grid or maybe live in the country. Why do you need to find them?" i smiled into the phone as seb started jumping around crying. "its my friends dad, he hasnt seen him in a bit. think you can send me the address?" "of course but you have to pay for using my services." i chuckled again, "fine one visit. and ill buy lunch." i could hear his smile, he said hed see me tomorrow and we hung up. I looked at seb as the address came in. 

"So...wait does this mean" he asked trying to calm down. "Do you have a car?" I smiled at him hoping he had a way up there. He almost screamed yes and said he'd pick me up at 8am tomorrow.

Later that night Harvey texted me, "hi cam I wanted to know if you wanted to come by tomorrow, I have something I wanted to show you." I replied that I'm going to zuzu to see my dad with seb and he replied with a stay safe. I woke up at 6am and did some farm work, it was 7:30 when I finally took a shower and started to get ready I heard a bike outside my house and when I went out I saw seb with the biggest smile and an extra helmet.

"I was thinking a car...."

"Yeah...sorry? Are you ok with being on a bike?"

"I have to be, but on the way back we are picking up my old truck."

He smiled and said deal. I called my mom and told her I'd be by to grab my truck and she said she'd be ready, my mom was using it for work but she should have her own car by now so it should be good for me to take it. Since dad and her divorced she needed to borrow my truck on occasion.


Sorry this ones so short. But I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far. Im hoping to make more intimate moments with all the avaliable people mainly cause I always favor Shane or seb and I never mean to but every time it happens.

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