friday night

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We went inside and sat down, the kids were learning math behind us and he showed me the book he was working on. It was a tragic love triangle.

Elliot:I just don't know what I want to do with it. I feel like I've been stuck on this part where the main has a date and gets caught by the other half but the one he's with doesn't understand and so he's stuck in his home trying to make an apology.

Suddenly jas was next to us.

Jas:he should give the one he likes most a gift. Like cam gave Shane. Right?
Cam:I gave Shane a drink because he was being mean with no reason. you don't wanna go to the flower dance with him?
Cam:I dont think I'm going to the flower dance at all. And if anything ill just hang out on the sidelines and watch.
Elliot:no you must dance!
Vincent:i wanna be the flower queen
Penny:Vincent only girls can be the flower queen.
Cam:whys that Penny.
Penny:.....I uh...
Jas:Vincent id choose you over Hayley for flower queen.
Vincent: let's start a oh what are they called...where you hand out flyers that say vote for me?

The kids walked outside planning what they should do. Penny tried to start apologizing but I ignored her, slightly angry and not wanting to deal with it yet. Elliot and I got back to his dilemma.

Elliot:so what do you think I should do?
Cam:have you figured out who you want him to be with?
Elliot:oh...I guess not.
Cam:I think you should figure that out as the character. Write him deciding who he cares more about and who he wants to go back to. But don't forget that your other characters are people too, so make sure you write what they are choosing to do. If they want to wait for him or of they want to move on. How hurt they are etcetera.
Elliot:youre a genius! Ok ill get back to writing! I'll see you later!

He ran out excited to write again. I got up and headed to look at the exhibit, they had nothing out. The curator started to tell me how the last guy came in and stole everything. I told him if I find anything on my farm or in the mines, he seemed excited and told me if I find any geodes he'd pay to break them for museum gems. I headed out and started going towards Sofias. I wanted to make sure she was ok and I haven't seen her since that first day she helped me.

Cam:hey sof? You home?

No one answered. I decided to leave and text her. "Hey I came by but you weren't home. Wanna hang out for a little?" She read it and started to type then stopped. It made me upset but I tried to let it go. If I did something to upset her she woulda told me and if she doesn't then thats her issue. I can't fix what I dont know is broken. I continued to cindersnap and saw Andy so I decided to talk to him.

Andy:what do you want.
Cam:talk? How's your farm? You know I'm curious what do you grow?
Cam:hey hey its not like that. I was trying to make friendly conversation. I'll go. Sorry.

I headed off. Talking to him felt like talking to a grenade with a broken pin. As I continued i saw marnie outside talking to Lewis, so I joined wondering about the cow.

Marnie:oh! Uh hi cam!
Cam:hey I heard one of your cows gave birth
Marnie:oh if you want shanes inside with it. You can go in too

I walked in leaving marnie and the mayor to flirt. I saw the kitchen door open, Shane came out all dirty.

Shane:oh hey cam. What's up?
Cam:I wanted to see the calf. If thats ok.
Shane:oh! Well right now she's eating with her mom but come on.

He brought me through the door where chickens crowded up and I saw a small calf suckling at her mama. We went back in and Shane said to wait for him. So I sat in the kitchen and played on my phone, opening various apps that I didnt really need to but I did anyway. After 10 minuets he came back. Clean and wet hair.

Shane:hey sorry I was covered in gunk. So whats up?
Cam:ah I guess it was really just the curiosity of the calf.
Shane:...then whyd you wait for me?

He smiled at me with the corner of his mouth. I started blushing and stood up ready to leave. I didn't know why I waited. I wanted to hang out? I'm bored and I don't know what to do or who to talk to?

Shane:im messing with you, come on lets go to the saloon.

He walked me there and soon enough bought me a dinner and a drink, we sat at a booth and ate in silence. Then I saw seb and the others come in, victor was with Sofia and the 3 were together. They all waved at me and told me to come when I was done.

Cam:wanna join?
Shane:eh I think I'm gonna just get drunk
Shane:yeah. Have fun though, chicken.

He patted my head and went to his seat at the bar. I bought another beer and headed to the group.

Victor:oh hey again, sorry for our first meeting.
Cam:you talk almost like Elliot. Its cool man, im cam. Nice to meet you again.
Sofia:hey sorry I wasn't replying I was with a friend in grampleton.
Cam:no worries, im glad you were with someone you enjoy.

Soon I watched as Victor tried to flirt with Abby and Sam and seb played pool, Sofia seemed focused on a text conversation she was having and I was bored on the couch. I watched everyone in the bar for a moment.

Robin and Demetrius were dancing, willy, clint, and Gunther were telling stories, Shane was standing in his little spot now, Olivia was drinking near him but not talking, Pam was drinking on the other side of the bar, Elliot and Leah were talking, marnie and Lewis were flirting, and then I realized it was 9pm. If I leave now I could make it in time to hang out with maru.

I left and headed up to the mountain where I saw maru setting up her telescope and looking through it.

Cam:maru! Hey
Maru:oh hey! Wasn't sure if you really were coming
Cam:yeah sorry, I tried to get here quicker but its a far walk.
Maru:no worries.

We sat there talking for awhile about the stars and meteor showers. She told me her interest in outer space more than our planet. She wanted to start the first civilization on another planet, but her dad tried to get her to focus her efforts on saving this one. She seemed to light up when she started talking about robots and planets and all that. It was nice to just listen to her excitement.

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