New Week

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It was 10am, harvey had texted me to meet him by the water fountain. When i got there i saw lewis looking like he was crying into it, Demetrius looking like he was studying it, and hayley looking like she was laughing at everyone around.

"ah hello! its wonderful today dont you think?"

i smiled at him and agreed. we headed down to a more empty area only for it to be surrounded by jas and vincent being weird kids. So we went to his home and he showed me his love and interest in Airplanes, he bored me to death but it was very cute how much he loved the planes and how much he knew about them. After another hour of that i decided to head down to emilys where i had wanted to talk to her about the dance.

"oh morning, Cam"

"hey! can i ask you something. what do the flower dance costumes look like? robin had said they looked cute, but seb said they were a nightmare?"

She went and grabbed both her sisters and hers. they were nothing alike, except both were white. so thats all i need is a white dress for fem and a suit for masc.  We talked more about what i would dress in and after telling emily that it would depend on who i dance or just maybe the day. Emily seemed the most understanding of everyone in stardew. She told me about her journey through sexuality and gender identity, shes very smart and i really enjoy being around her. She always finds ways to make things sound like they were "meant to be" it was cool. 

"you know, cam i could always make you both the outfits. I am paid for the materials and time it would take and making 2 different outfits would mean Lewis just has to pay me double on top of the repairs for everyone's clothes."

"oh seriously!? Id appreciate it so much! so what do you need?"

She took my measurements and i headed out. i decided to go into cindersnap to forage and maybe run into Leah but to my surprise i found hayley taking photos. I asked her what she was doing and her and i spent the rest of that day going around stardew taking cool photos. it was almost 11pm by the time we got back to her place. 

"maybe one day ill let you see my dark room. but until then ill develop these and show you them when they are done."

"wait you have a dark room?"


"if i gave you some old film good you develop them for me?"

"um normally id say no because i dont do things for free for people but you helped me take so super cool pictures today so...yeah. ill do it"

I ran to my old truck and grabbed the photo album i had that had old undeveloped photos in the back and handed her those. She smiled and i asked her to keep it a secret and not tell anyone. I knew these photos had people from stardew so i wanted to wait until i kept that promise to alex first. she agreed and ran inside to develop the photos and i headed home and ran into Clair.

"oh..hi again"

"hi. you ok?"


She zombie walked to her house just outside of town. I went back home for the night. The rest of the week went pretty blandly. I spent some time learning about the adventurers guild from abs and getting set up to go in the mines in the winter. I also started to learn to fish from willy. Hes an amazing teacher, he told me everything i could ever need to know and ive already caught a bunch of fish. I was able to get some good profit from it too so if its ever a need i can do some fishing to help with my money. Martin and i have been talking alot more as well as Victor, all the single guys in stardew valley ended up joining a Soloran game together and we all meet on sunday nights at the saloon where we just all play. We invited some girls but the only one that seemed interested was Emily but she had to work during that. By the end of the week Emily had my suit and my dress ready and my place was done and i was moved back in, i had a huge livingroom, a south room, north room, a bathroom upstairs and one downstairs, and a nice kitchen. The only problem with this place is that i have no furniture for it. Robin made me a bed on the house which was very kind of her. 

stardew valley slow burn X Nonbinary ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now