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I held a little tight onto seb, the thought of being on a motorcycle is so cool but holy fuck its scary. We parked on the street half a block from his dads shop, it was super busy though. "seb, what do you wanna do?" he looked at me like he wanted to cry and ride back home. "hey, im here for you ok? how bout we go eat at the dinner over there?" he nodded and we walked in, the lady took our order and we started to calm down and talk about the flower dance. the diner was pretty empty, a few people came from the shop to eat while they waited but that was about it. 

"i just...was this a bad idea?"

"seb, listen even if its a bad idea its one that you need to do. if we leave now you will never get your answers or even see what you need. now i wont push you but i really think you need this more than you're letting yourself admit." 

my phone went off, it was my dad. "hey kiddo, have you got to zuzu yet?" i could hear his smile. "yeah dad, we actually are at a dinner in front of the shop." he told me he'd be there in a sec and as if he transported there we turned to see him waiting for a hug at the end of the restaurant. "dad! damn youre fast. this is seb, he let me bunk with him while his mom fixed my house. which by the way are you coming this summer?" he smiled at me and shook sebs anxious hand. the waitress smiled at us as she brought my dad a drink and called him by his name. "so Ben this is your kid youve told me so much about?!" she looked at him with a deep smile. "yeah, they live in Stardew now. Im very proud of him." the lady soon left and grabbed him some food as seb and i decided to split dessert. "so how long have you two been procrastinating?" seb looked down playing with his food looking like he wanted to vomit. "a while..sir." i laughed and so did my dad, "oh kid please dont call me sir unless youre dating my son...wait" i immediately said  no and changed the subject. "so dad how much do you come here?" i looked at his plate and saw that the cook and the waitress were looking at him obviously talking about us. "since your mom and i divorced. i like this place since it pretty empty and close to my place. The foods not bad either." 

we talked a bit more trying to get seb to talk with us but soon we gave up. i gave my dad a hug and grabbed sebs hand as we went to his bike. "so...whats it gonna be? the place is pretty empty now." he nodded and looked at me finally, we both smiled at each other and walked toward the shop. There were a few kids about our age and a little younger cleaning outside. some older guys were by a older looking car drinking beers, it looked like it was about closing time now and this was a project car more than actual work. Seb stood behind me so he wouldnt have to talk. "hi, im looking for Sebastian." the guys look around eachother and one stands up. "why you lookin for our boss?" he said in an intimidating voice. "i needed to ask him something, its important. is he here?" 

i didnt want to tell them anything that was too much information about seb and his dad. "...whats your name?" i looked behind me to see seb still hiding and shaking his head. "mines seb, his is cam. please it wont take long and if he doesnt wanna see us we will leave." i could hear seb breathe finally. One of the other guys stood up and pushed the one who looked like he wanted to kill us back. "our boss is back there, hes doing paperwork. are....are you his seb?" i thanked him and grabbed sebs hand as we walked back there, before we walked in i stopped and quietly asked seb what he wanted to do. "ill talk, but i need you in there with me." i nodded and we knocked. his dad told us to come in and he looked up at us confused. "uh can i help you two?" i pointed at seb and sat down. "hi...um youre..is this you?" he handed him the photo that now was wrinkled and looked worn from being put in a wallet and being taken out. "huh...ya. is that you?" he pointed at the baby, seb nodded and the two stared at each other in silence. i looked at his dad and noticed the features, he had the same hair and eyes. his jaw and nose and ears are all his mom but lips, hair, and eyes, and height are the same. "so who are you then?" i started paying attention again and stood up. "im his friend. i had the picture and gave it to him." seb nodded and grabbed for my hand to thank me for being there with him, i nodded at him and smiled. "huh...so hows your mom?" we all sat and they talked while i listened. 

"shes good. married a prick but good."

"shame, shes a good woman she deserves a good guy."

"then..whyd you leave?" 

"im not a good guys seb. i never was and i dont think i ever wanna be." he looked at me again curiously. 

"you look like someone i know...well knew."

"my grandpa lived in stardew with my dad for a long time before my dad moved and my grandpa died."

"whats your dads name?"


"oh...i knew his wife...she was a good lady. what happened to her?" 

seb and i realized what had happened and almost threw up simultaneously. he apologized and dropped it realizing he overstepped and grossed us out.  Now i know why robin and him broke up and same with my parents. soon my mom ended up calling. "hey sweetie, are you headed over yet?" i told her what was happening as i stepped out of the office, she apologized for my new found knowledge and said she'd be home for a few hours. seb soon joined along with his dad. "i hope its ok he..he wants to come see your mom." i looked at the elder seb and gave him a disgusted look after saying fine. we got on the bike and he jumped into a truck. "you're..holding him pretty tight there, boy" his dad yelled to us. "i dont mind" seb said reassuring me that i wasn't making him uncomfortable with my fear of falling off the bike and being ran over. We pulled up to the house where i jumped off the bike and ran into my moms house to give her a hug. "oh my darling boy! look at you. are you going..how are you?" she smiled concerned. "im fine and no im not getting bottom surgery, i know we talked about it but its just not for me. im happy how i am now." she smiled and hugged me tight. we walked back out where she met seb and re met seb sr. 

"wow its uh been a while"

"yeah last i saw you you were about to have a baby girl."

"yeah. and you just had a boy."

"how long was that....21...22 years?"


"so where is she?"

"hi im cam..." 


i tried not to laugh at the situation. he looked more confused and seb started to explain, which made it worse. and just to put a cherry on top my dad pulled in. 

"hey..oh hey sweetie. Sebastian. and again hello seb"

"hey honey, um this was the worst time."


i looked at them and they just smiled at me. seb sr said his goodbye at the entrance of my dad and i looked at seb to see what he wanted to do. "i dont care. really i promise." i nodded and we got his bike in my truck along with some other stuff i couldnt take with me. my parents both hugged me and i congratulated them, turns out they are getting remarried and moving back to stardew this summer. I was happy that it was happening but disappointed for seb who looked like he got detention on a friday. 

"s...seb? are you ok?"

"yeah...just kinda wish he actually cared that i was his son" 

"does it help that my dad seemed to love you?"

i saw him smirk a bit, he nodded and we drove home. we got back at midnight and his front door was locked. "mind if i spend the night?" i nodded and we headed back to see seb, abs, victor, sofia, hayley, alex, and martin waiting at my door. 

stardew valley slow burn X Nonbinary ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now