How the day went (a mix of different POVs for the others)

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*this is a mix of seb and sams pov*

We headed to my place to get ready and play solarion chronicles. The shops werent open yet so we couldnt get snacks but we decided to go check on victor and see if he was still coming. We got to his place around the time abby was heading up to mountain, the two of us hid in a bush so she wouldnt interrupt the game. No offense to her but everytime she comes when we play the game she ruins it for us.  we got to vics house and his mom answered. "hello boys, im sorry but it looks like vicys running a fever." she said in a tone that could make gods kneel, we thanked her stupidly and headed to joja to see cam and shane hanging out. "dude duck" seb grabbed my shoulder and we watched them "do you think they are like...a thing?" i asked seb. "nah they woulda said something by now. but also its shanes birthday so that might be whats going on." seb reminded me. we got our snacks and headed back to play our game.

" you like cam?"

" you?" 

*Marus pov*

I headed home and worked on a project for a few hours, i didnt really pay attention to the time until penny had texted me asking if i wanted to hook up later. i replied yes and went to tell my parents id be out tonight to find the house empty. I went outside to see if seb was in the garage but instead i heard the town wizard and linus talking about cam and abby. The words were muffled but it sounded like the wizard had feelings for cam and he though abby did too. i started to head down the mountain to talk to seb to find him walking back up. i turned around and headed back inside, i felt like it was a game of cat and mouse. Then my parents stopped me outside. "sweetie, are you ok?" my mom grabbed my face looking at me, "yeah i just wanted to talk to seb but we keep missing each other." i explained to my mom and my dad made an annoyed noise. He hates seb so much which makes seb hate him, seb and i on the other hand have a ok relationship. He used to hate me too but we grew out of that and talked it out. When i got down to his room i eavesdropped for a second to hear him and sam ask each other if they liked cam, only for both of them to say yes. 

*pennys pov*

Once i got home i started cleaning up around my mom, who was on the floor. i turned her to her side incase she threw up. i sighed and headed to my room, i played with the thought to text sam and see if he wanted to hang out but remembered that today was soloraian night so i texted sofia instead. "hey wanna hang out?" she texted an apology and i texted maru instead. once maru said yes i started to get everything ready. I headed to joja to see sam and seb hiding and watching cam and shane, i ignored them and grabbed what i needed. "hey penny, hows your day?" claire spoke in more than just her regular joja lines. "its good. this is the first time iver really heard you speak." she smiled and looked over at the boys watching the other two. "yeah well it seems like stardew is getting to be a little more interesting." she laughed a little and i headed out. Maru was a little late to our meet up but it was ok, she ended up telling me about how the boys, abby, and the town wizard all like cam. i asked her if she had the same feelings. "wh..what? why would you think that?" she got very defensive. " normally dont get invested with peoples lives." i pointed out to her. "yeah and you dont usually moan other peoples names when we make out." 

*sofias pov*

once we all got home martin asked if he could hang out with me, i told him he could if he helped out on my farm and he did a really great job. Penny texted me at some point wanting to hookup but i told her no, it always felt good for a while with her but then id feel guilty for some reason. Martin and i started talking about stupid stuff we both like, then he started talking about cam. 

"i dont know they are just...they seem so nice. i want to hang out with them one day just us, you know as friends!"

"i get it martin. yeah they really are kind...ive been blowing them off i feel bad about it but i cant help the anxiety."

we spent the day getting my work done. he went home at 5 and i stayed inside my house watching anime.

*hayleys pov*

I grabbed my camera and headed to the old abandoned farm west of cindersnap. I didnt want to see anyone in town, i was so upset still. I know alex and i break up every week or so but seeing him dance with cam made it worse. He looked so happy holding cam that way, and hes never held me like that. And i cant even be mad at cam, hes so sweet and cute. id understand if they ended up together. I headed back home when it got late, emily was on the couch with some icecream and i cried into her. "i really think cam and alex...ugh" i screamed into the spoon "wait...did something happen with them?" my sister looked at me with worried eyes, then i realized she had a crush on cam. "i..they danced..." i said sorrowful. i wanted happiness for my sister but i couldnt keep something that was hurting me from her. even if it hurt her. 

*Emilys pov*

i helped cam clean up and told them that shane was supposed to come but he drank alot last night. they soon left and i hugged them goodbye, my sister left earlier so i decided to go make some icecream for her. I went to peirres as soon as it opened but they had no milk, they did however have ice cream so i just bought some and some other snacks for us. I got the house ready for when she came back so we can just watch movies and when she came through the door i held out the ice cream for her. she told me what happened that night and about alex and cam dancing romantically in the moonlight. i felt my heart drop, i didnt know how to react. logically it would make sense to have a good time with whoever offered it but i felt like cam and i...we have something.

*alex pov*

I got home and laid down. my head was still spinning, cam was all that could fill my head. i feel so guilty for what i did and how i made them uncomfortable, they were so sweet after though and when i held them while we really felt like it was just us. like the universe just wanted us there and all it needed was us to dance. it was so perfect and when it got late and we all headed to bed i saw abby already in their bed asleep. Cam came in and pushed them to get into their bed but they didnt wake her up and make her leave. I dont know if thats just cause they are too nice or cause they have a thing for purple hair. either way i headed to sleep in the livingroom with seb and sam, those two ended up talking about zuzu and how seb met cams parents. apparently they love him, which kinda hurt. i dont know why but the thought that other people are meeting cams parents before i get to pissed me off. I ended up just spending the rest of the day working out.   

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