friday morning

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*Friday morning you wake up to seb leaving a breakfast plate and coffee on the table for you with a note. Seb starts to quietly grab some stuff and head out*

Seb:oh hey, I gotta go but I left you food and a note. See you tonight?
Cam:y..ya bye

I got up and felt dizzy. I decided to take a shower and grabbed all my dirty clothes, Robin came down to clean up sebs clothes too.

Robin:oh hey cam. Do you have laundry you need done?
Cam:oh um yeah but I got it.
Robin:oh I don't mind, I have to do everyone's laundry today anyway.
Cam:isn't that...too much work?
Robin:no, maru cleans up the lab stuff and Demetrius cleans up kitchen stuff and seb cleans up garage stuff so its really my only chore besides my work stuff I clean up.

She smiled and held the basket out for my clothes. I left them and thanked her, I sat down at sebs table and read the note he left me as she continued to clean. I heard her gasp and turned to see she had thrown a black lacy bra.

Robin:oh uh that uh is that yours?
Cam:no. I dont have boobs.
Robin:right...well you know you wear pretty baggy shirts i couldnt really tell, im sorry.
Cam:youre good.

I started to read the note as she picked the bra up. It read,

"Hey cam, you got pretty drunk with Shane last night so he brought you home. I don't think you remember but when we got back inside Abby was half naked on the couch and you yelled at her to get off where you sleep. You got really mad at her and she ran out. I'm really sorry she's been coming over the way she has, she's usually not this...well no she is this invasive but she's alot better around people. Anyway, im sorry and I made the food as an apology. Ps there's some medicine in my desk drawer for your hangover."

Robin:aw he made you food
Cam:yeah its an apology breakfast
Robin: apology?
Cam:Abby has been....uh i don't know how to explain it but she's not been super happy im sleeping here
Robin:oh im sorry if she's giving you trouble. She's super protective of sebby. You know they used to date when they were teens. She broke his heart though.

She left and I went for the medicine. Sebs computer was open to a Google page "what is nonbinary" I started to laugh a little and sat back down. I looked at the texts I missed.

Shane:hey I gotta cancel on Saturday, a cow gave birth this morning so we'll be busy
Cam:thats ok! What did you name the cow?

Abby:I stole your number from seb. I'm sorry for how I acted the past few days....seb just means alot to me.
Cam:I understand. I'll see you guys tonight.

Sam:hey wanna hang out before the saloon?
Cam:sure where and when?

Elliot:hello, I was wondering if you'd meet me at the library this afternoon?
Cam:id love to. I will also hopefully have your clothes washed and dried by then

Leah:hey! Wanna go foraging with me this Saturday?
Cam:id love to!

Sofia:hey, I went by your house this morning but it looked like Robin had been working on it. If you need a place to stay or something you're more than welcome to come stay with me. My house is pretty big.
Cam:thats super sweet of you, but I'm staying at Robins rn. Thank you though. Why did you come by? Was there something you needed or wanted?

Sofia didn't respond, I put my plate in the sink and maru stopped me in the kitchen.

Maru:so hows your stay?
Cam:its good. How's your science?
Maru:oh its going great! There's..uh if you want i heard there was a meteor shower tonight. Id love the company
Cam:oh what time? Cause I kinda already promised your brother and his friends id meet them at the saloon.
Maru:oh..uh its at 10pm
Cam:ill try to make it, where do you want me to meet you?
Maru:outside the house is fine! See you tonight.

Demetrius looked at his daughter then at me as she left. She watched me as I walked out as well and I felt like he was staring at me all the way outside.

Linus:good morning cam.
Cam:oh Linus! I have a gift for you.

I handed him a horseradish i had found a few minutes ago. He smiled and thanked me. We walked over to the lake where I saw the big Boulder was gone.

Linus:looks like joja finally fixed one of their mistakes.
Linus:joja tried to make something I don't really know what but they cause a landslide and it blocked off the bath house, train station, even poor Susan.
Linus:oh thats right, I forget you haven't met her yet. She's a farmer up by the trainstation, her and Andy were actually the ones most excited when your property was gonna be sold. The two had planned to split it.
Cam:oh...I uh I didn't know
Linus:don't feel bad. They both have land and nice farms, even if its not as much land as you or Sofia or even marnie. Its not about how much but what you do with the land you have.
Cam:so whats over there?
Linus:the mines and the adventures guild.
Cam:oh yeah, I haven't seen the two men since my first day here.
Linus:they left for a meeting they should be back today if you head up there.
Cam:you sure know alot.
Linus:its the beauty of living the way I do.

He smiled and I walked off toward the path to the mines. I walked toward it then got a message from Robin asking where she should put my clothes, then I realized its almost 12. I headed back and grabbed Elliots clothes, as I got to the museum Elliot texted me and I saw him standing at the small covered spot in front of the window.

Cam:hey, sorry I was grabbing your clothes. Thank you again
Elliot:oh hello! Thank you for bringing them back.
Cam:so...whyd you wanna meet here? What's up?

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