Shanes day

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*shanes pov* 

Emily texted me asking to come to cams house this morning and help make breakfast. I was way too hungover to even think about it. i decided to stay in bed until i heard a knock on my door, it was marnie saying cam was here. Did they seriously come here instead of eating with everyone?

"hey, em said she invited you and i guess sam invited you too. why didnt you come hang out?"

"ah well i uh i didnt really want to."

"oh well you missed a killer breakfast and a very weird night haha"

"wait what time is it?"

i looked at the messages they were from early in the morning, it was almost 12pm now. i started to sit up and rub my face and when i looked up cam was holding their hand over their eyes and their face looked red. then i looked down to see i was in my boxers and only my boxers. "oh fuck im so sorry! give me a little." they left the room and i could hear them yelling from embarrassment, they were not alone though. I took a quick shower and grabbed some aspirin, when i came out cam was making me a breakfast. "you missed ems but that doesnt mean you shouldnt eat." they said with a big smile and i sat down with jas to eat, jas went on and on about how cute cam looks. She started talking about how she wants cam to take her and vincent to the park today but i told her that marnie wanted to go with them. She sighed and said ok and we ate while cam went to go check on marnie. 

"so are you gonna ask them out. like on a real date?"

i choked on my bacon for a second and looked at her with evil eyes. i shook my head and she asked why but i didnt answer. soon enough cam and i left, i didnt have to work today but we decided to head to joja and grab some stuff to stock up cams house. we were going to peires for seeds though. "thanks for coming with me, i know ive spent almost every day with someone this past week but i dont really wanna be alone just yet." they looked down "why?" i tried to sound not as interested as i was. "i dont know, i just feel like something bad is gonna happen once im alone so i dont really wanna be." i understood that feeling all too well. We finished our shopping and i helped them on the farm, by the end of the day they had an actual farm. all the logs were put up to the side and same with extra stone, they had a big plot of seeds planted and a scarecrow too. It looked really nice. "you know...this wasnt a bad way to spend a birthday." i stupidly said out loud, cam turned to me and i realized i shoulda left that inside. "ITS YOUR BIRTHDAY SHANE?!" we then went to the saloon and cam bought me food and a drink, they offered to watch a movie with me but i could see they were getting really tired. they could hardly keep their eyes open and it was almost 2am. 

i walked them home and headed back to my room, it was dark and dirty. i wasnt nearly drunk enough to ignore it. Then something that hasnt happened in a long time happened, i had the desire to clean it and fix it. I started washing everything i owned and cleaned the carpets, it was 8am when i finally went to bed after the entire room was cleaned up. I dont know if it was because of cam or just because i didnt drink as much as i usually do on my birthday grateful either way. 

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