Flower dance 1

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It was 7am and sof was at my place getting read with a bunch of the other girls. Since my place was biggest and closest to the event everyone wanted to do it there, slightly without my permission. Hayley came up to me asking if i wanted to wear makeup, i told her not this time around. I do love the dress emily made and how it makes me look and feel but i just dont feel comfortable being fem in front of this town just yet. Hayley ended up giving the photos she finished for me and i added them to my photo album, her and abs were fussing over me the entire time everyone was getting ready. we all started heading down and i saw seb waiting on my porch along with literally all the bachelors that were planning on dancing. They all looked bored waiting at my half ass done farm, i had some stumps i hadn't dealt with so thats where they all sat. 

"hey we going?" Alex asked perking up once the door had opened. everyone had linked arms with their partners. Sof ended up going with Victor, claire and martin were the only other ones who hadent gotten dressed. I wanted to ask one of them but since they werent dressed i didnt want to force them to dance without the outfit. I followed the group to a weird little patch of forest where we had to walk across a plank and we all hung around for a while. i went up to shane to talk to him. 

"hey. so you planning on dancing?"

"i uh i wanted to but i feel bad now. i saw everyone practically already choose their partners on my farm and i look stupid for dressing up." 

"hold on, ok? HEY CLINT!"

"uh whats up shane?"

"do me a favor please i cant leave emily hanging but i really wanted to dance with Cam. would you please ask em to dance with you instead?"

"what?! no! i cant."

"hey clint"

"h..hi cam im sorry but no i cant"

"clint you know how i have all those old rusty tools that need repairing?"

"what...ya of course"

"ya if you dont go ask her to dance i will not buy from you. ever. i will go through joja or make it myself."


"oi buddy. clint you heard the person, do us this favor. we really wanted to dance together."

"no! i cant."

"fine. shane do you mind sitting this dance out?"

"not at all buddy."

"great. hey em?! i have a question"

"wait! no!"

in the end clint and emily danced together. he fucked up alot, i mean so did i but he was crying too. i think i need to apologize to him soon. Emily seemed to have fun though, she was giggling and started her own little dance too with clint. it was kinda cute. Shane was just mocking me the whole time. everyone headed back to my place and got changed. the guys went downstairs and the girls stayed up until everyone was settled. Emily started talking about the actual party they do when all the elders sleep, apparently clint didnt know about it until now so thats nice to know i wont be alone. Hayley and penny went to get the decorations, sam and seb got the projector and stuff, and everyone else got ready. apparently its always been held at my farm which explains why they all got ready here too. Once everyone rejoined Shane, Seb, Harvey, Clint, Alex, and I all started to make a little bonfire and log benches/seats for everyone to sit. 

"whos on food duty?" Alex proclaimed loudly as he hucked a log at me and i tried very hard to look cool before i fell trying to catch it. "oh i think it was on abs and...penny....oh no" sam yelled from his little spot and ran to the saloon to get a bunch of food. When he came back the girls showed us actual rocks and what i can only assume was cool molten lava. We all praised the little ball of sunshine. Emily started the movie and everyone started their conversations. people went around eating and dancing during the movie.

"Hey cam...i wanted to apologize for the way i acted at the dance. i was just scared"

"aw clint dont be sorry. i was being harsh and pushy. i just really wanted to dance with shane, i felt comfortable with him being my partner. ya know?"

"no i know what you mean. anyone else woulda been so upset i was their partner but em..shes amazing"

"hey doofuses. hey cam can i talk to you?"

Emily pulled me closer to the forest of trees i have yet to deal with and where the light just barley reached. "listen i just wanted to say how amazing you looked in that suit. i was hoping to see you in the dress but you looked absolutely debenare." She kissed my cheek lightly and ran to join the dance. i stood there very confused and soon rejoined as well. I saw hayley and Alex finally separate so i took it as the chance to talk to Alex alone. "hey Alex, ive got something for ya!" i showed him the photo album which ended up making everyone join in. they all pointed out their parents and grandparents. but there was one photo that stood out, it was Robin with a baby Seb and his father. Seb took the photo and analized it checking for any sign of where is dad could be. but sadly there was nothing there, it was one of the newer photos developed. i told everyone when i asked hayley to do for me and told them about the undevelops in my photo album, they all were so excited and asked for the copies if i wanted to keep the originals and so i gave them out. these photos meant nothing to me so loosing them didnt matter. but im glad they went to people who care about them. Soon it was 1am and everyone headed home except seb. who was in my room holding back tears.

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