the Community center

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*ok so this is just an explanation since i dont want to write it all out, for the rest of the year you work super hard to get the center up and running again. You spend time with everyone, all pretty basic stuff just movie nights where nothing happens, video games etc. a few heart events happen but nothing too romantic or serious. Martin starts become a good friend of yours and he knows about how everyone else feels about you, you both find our claire has a thing for you along with the rest of the marriage candidates. With magnus you start calling him by his first name, morgan starts to show you all the stuff he can do and you three become close without abbys knowledge since you leave before its her time to come. not on purpose but just by happenstance. When we come back its winter 1st and you've completed not only the community center with some help from linus and magnus and the occasional bulletin. With all of this the town starts talking about how they want to do a monthly event with the community center and so starts every 22nd of the months community center day. The billboard will be fixed next season as well as the start of the boat, you finally finish the mines in this time and complete the monster slayer goal causing you to be recognized by lance and his colleagues. Since the bus was fixed on the last of fall you decide to start finding out what is in the calico desert. but first the community center event*

"why are all my customers here?!"

"morris, im sorry but this town doesnt want a joja."

"yeah!" *pierre punches morris in the face

"cam i thought you and i were friends!"

"im sorry morris." 

he ran away and joja shut down. the town awarded me some weird looking trophy and i put it up in my house, pam told me about how she finally got her job back and planned to quit drinking. Everyone in town seemed to be happier, even shane. Earlier in the season i found him in the rain near a cliff, he let me take him to harvey but ive been a little scared i wouldnt see him anymore. i didnt tell him that and i probably never really will glad hes here and smiling. Everyone started to head home and so did i, sam followed behind asking if i wanted to play solarion with him and victor and seb. i said yes since i havent really gotten to talk to victor as much as the others. 

*time skip to that night*

"sup, i brought some joja and beers."

"aw thanks. ill take the beer, drinking joja feels wrong since i saw pierre punch morris haha"  

"that was awfully violent. and everyone was cheering him on as well."

"it was hilarious. i dont think i wanna be on his bad side anymore"

"abby looked the most excited to see it happen too" 

we all laughed at the way everyone reacted to the very small fight, but i suppose in such a nice quiet town it would make sense that this was a huge deal. We sat down and i got a b on the scenario, we started talking about their favorite scenarios and their favorite things that have happened. At some point the topic changed to comic books and how seb was really good at making them, he showed me some of them and they were really well done. the stories weren't complete but it was still really good. "hey im gonna walk victor home, ill see you two tomrrow!" sam left with the very awkward victor. I stayed looking through more comic books as sebs computer was going off, "i think youre getting a message" i smiled at him. "yeah its..its just sam asking me something about this friday." 

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