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Maru and i called it a night around midnight. I headed back through the front door to find Sam and Abby on the couch and seb at his table telling them no to something. Once I walked in the subject seemed to shift. I sat at the table and pulled out my phone to stare at random social media while they talked.

Seb:I have to finish this job then its a maybe. But either way you two have to get it all set up.
Sam:ok ok fine. But if we do will you come?
Cam:what are yall talking about?
Abby:band practice. I'm on drums, sebby is on keyboard and bass guitar, and sam is lead singer and lead guitar.
Cam:oh thats cool.

Sam tried to be nice and offer me to play with them but I said no. Its not really a talent thing it's more just, I came here to start fresh and I already did the "band life" when I was in high-school. I hated every second of it. My friends became jerks and I was the only queer one in the group so I got alot of shit from their "groupies".

Seb:thats ok, so where were you?
Cam:with your sister.

Abby stared at me in horror, sam started laughing like I was joking and seb looked confused and a little mad.

Seb:was that a joke?
Cam:no. She showed me the stars and we talked about planets for a while.
Abby:so...does that mean you like her?
Cam:shes nice if thats what you mean. But if you mean it the way I think you do then no. I dont like anyone like that.
Sam:oh man I thought he was making a joke. Sorry.
Seb:oh ok.

They continued and I asked them to get off the couch so I could get it set up for sleep.

Seb:just sleep in my bed. I won't sleep tonight and I don't think they are going home anytime soon.
Cam:you sure?

And with that i slept so comfortably in sebs warm cozy bed. When I woke up my stomach was hurting but not in the hungry way. I knew what was happening. I opened my eyes to see seb on his computer holding back a yawn, sam and Abby were asleep on the floor slowly waking up. I half closed my eye as they got up and started talking.

Seb:shh they are still asleep.
Cam:im not. Hey abs, can...can I talk to you real quick?

She smiled and jumped to the bed, I pulled her closer to me and whispered asking if she had a pad or tampon. I was so mad this was happening. It wasn't supposed to start until next week, the amount of testosterone i take is not nearly enough to end my period but just enough to lower my voice. She looked at me confused and smiled.

Abs:yeah, hold on. Guys leave.
Seb:what no
Sam:why should we
Abs:cause I said so

They left and she went to sebs bathroom and showed me her little container of period supplies. It had pads, tampons, and lollipops. There was also a credit card in there.

Abs:its only for emergencies so I left it here for when I'm on my time. Its when I need things the most. You can buy whatever you want, my dad pays for it. But remember and please only use it on your period and don't tell anyone else.
Cam:pinky swear. Thank you so much.

I jumped in the shower and changed. I used the card to buy some stuff online to be delivered to me at sebs so I didn't have to leave the house. My cramps are so intense I can hardly move so I knew I had to be quick about everything before they started. I checked the bed and there was no leaks, my pjs were safe but sadly my underwear got tossed. They were my favorite pair of boxers too.

Abs:so...why do you have periods?
Cam:I dont take enough testosterone to stop them. I weirdly still like having them? They make me still feel female, it sounds dumb and weird but I like being female sometimes but I like being male too. Nonbinary is just my umbrella term, im genderfluid. Being both and neither and one or the other gender makes me comfortable.
Abs: no that makes sense. I mean no offense but you don't have tits so it makes sense wanting something besides your vagina to dictate your female.

Soon the guys came back in and I went to lay down on the couch. Abs promised not to tell anyone and I started watching videos on my phone. She told me she'd come back to check on me later and patted my head as her and Sam left.

Seb:..what was that?
Cam:talk about it later. You should get some rest.
Seb:what about you, don't you have plans today?
Cam:yeah I'm canceling. I dont feel good.
Seb:oh. Do you need anything?
Cam:dont worry its on its way.

He looked confused then heard a knock, his mom stood there with a basket of goodies from both joja and Pierre's. Both had different stuff and she looked confused too.

Robin:they said it was for cam?
Seb:oh you ordered stuff?
Cam:yeah sorry, I'm in alot of pain. Thanks Robin.
Seb:what happened?
Robin:wait....oh OH! ok, ill make you something special. You need to eat real food too.
Cam:no Robin its ok!
Robin:nope! When maru gets like this I always make her a special meal and its not an exception now. I'll be back.
Seb:what is happening.
Cam:im on my period.

I sat back down and wrapped myself with my blanket and a pillow on my tummy. I immediately went for the brownie bites and a soda, I put YouTube on and started watching dumb videos. Seb sat beside me.

Seb:you can use my laptop. Or even my TV.
Cam:im ok
Seb:here, use the projector.
Cam:no please

He set up his laptop after I finally gave in. As I sat there watching in the dark he fell asleep next to me watching too. Soon he fell head first into my pillow covered lap. I looked at him wanting to be mean but I was in too much pain to be anything else.

Robin:hey sweetie sorry that aww he fell asleep. Do you need help?
Cam:nah not yet. His head is helping the pain.
Robin: ok, well here you go. I hope you like it.

Robin made me a coffee cake and a complete breakfast. I ate the whole thing in what felt like one bite. After a few hours of videos I started to fall asleep. I had canceled with Leah already and she sent a reply, I didn't tell her what happened just that I didnt feel well. She understood and replied saying she hopes I get better. Elliot had also messaged me but I decided to ignore it. Without opening the text I read it saying "I heard you weren't feeling too well. Perhaps I could come over and read my...." immediately I didn't want to even read his messages. He's not a bad person but there's a level of that I can take. I finally passed out only to wake back up 2 hrs later and Abby was cleaning up for us.

Abs:hey, he asleep still?
Cam:yeah. What's up?
Abs:checking on you. Looks like you ate and drank. Now get up and go to the bathroom. I'll move him to his bed.

She started lifting the sleepy emo and set him comfortably on his bed. I ran to pee, I had to for a while but didn't wanna bother him.

Abs:need an extra heating pad?
Cam:nah, the one from the box is good. Thank you again. I know its not ideal but I appreciate having someone during this.
Abs:hey ill happily be here for you. Anyway, place is cleaned...he's in bed...and it looks like someone's waiting to talk to you.

Elliot and Leah were outside the room. Abs patted my back and left them to come in. I sat back down clutching my pillow to deal with the sudden cramp.

Leah:I came with soup.
Elliot:have you not read any messages?
Cam:oh um kinda, I fell asleep after a while. Sébastien was on me while we watched YouTube videos and passed out so...
Leah:hows your head?
Cam:oh its not a fever just a stomach bug. I'll be ok.

They sat and talked with me for a bit. We talked about the forest and Elliot started talking about his story. Leah seemed to just ignore him and I was starting to do the same. But as soon as they left I went back to watching dumb videos to ignore my pain.

stardew valley slow burn X Nonbinary ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now