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I ended up going to a place called the skull caverns, by the 5th of winter i was able to meet a weird man named Qi. He never spoke his name but instead had it written down on a paper which confused me but i accepted it. The days went by and we celebrated sebs birthday with his family, it was fun and seb invited me to the bath house where a bunch of the guys were meeting to have a more fun party. Alex and elliot were there first and we talked for a little. 

"hello cam. how are you?"

"im good ell, how are you two?"

"great! im excited, sebs birthday is always the most fun party. No one ever catches us up here so its extra fun."

"this will actually be my second time joining these celebrations."

"oh cool. who else is coming?"

"oh everyone."

i looked at my phone to see i was added to a group chat, every "single" person in stardew was part of it even clint and gunther. The messages were all everyone agreeing they'd be there, gunther even said he'd be there which was weird to me. Sam pulled me to the side, "hey have you like anyone in town?" i was hoping this wouldnt happen until next year when i could handle it better, right now my head was up in the air and i didnt know what my next plan was. I just started a part in my life i didnt even know could exist and having someone romantically entangled with it would be way too much. "oh um no, i guess i havent really thought about anyone like that too much." sam smiled and nodded and the party started soon after. We were all in our bathing suits and there was music playing, i walked around just watching everyone flirt and drink. everyone looked like they were having alot of fun and at the end we did something i didnt expect, "ok everyone we have everyones names all put in the jar, pick out a name and thats who you go home with tonight! goodluck!" i looked around confused and alittle annoyed. granted i really wouldnt mind going home with almost anyone here, except gunther and clint...and marvin are kinda not my type. one by one everyone grabbed a name. 









and last i picked out my own name. "wait oh fuck we were supposed to invite one extra since cam came." sam said hitting hit hand on his head. everyone sounded annoyed but i smiled and told everyone it was more than fine. "no come on thats no fun!" abby yelled and as she yelled magnus appeared, not magically just through the door. "i apologize, um gunther invited me but i had a prior engagement." My face got a little red as everyone looked at him and then me. "guess youre going home with me magnus." i smiled and abby looked like she wanted to cry and rip his head off. We all slowly left and outside went with our person, i grabbed mags arm and took him toward my place. "you can head home if youd rather, im sorry for any uncomfortableness i caused you." i let go of his arm and he pulled me back. I looked up at him confused, his frame was just barley glowing a purple light and he looked down at me with a confused and tired look. "cam...what do you think of me?" i looked around and invited him inside realizing he probably wasnt going home. I made us some coffee and we sat on my couch. "i think youre a wonderful teacher, a kind person, and.." he stopped me, "no. cam i have...i enjoy your company. You walking into a room or me walking into a room to find you in there brings joy to me. ive tried to look only at your flaws but even those make me happy. I dont understand it and i feel horrible for these feelings. I understand my daughter enjoys your company in the same way i do and if i was to take that away from her i would be a terrible person and father, do you feel?" i held my breath not knowing how to respond at the amount of emotion he laid upon me. my chest felt too heavy to keep holding and i looked back at him with scared eyes. 

"mag, i dont know. i cant reciprocate anyones feelings right now, im still figuring it out. so sorry." he kissed my cheek and smiled at me, he thanked me for being honest and headed home. I cleaned our cups and went to bed too, this was too much for me. For the rest of the winter except the holidays i stayed home. id go to the saloon and eat every night but i wouldnt stay too long, still being kind to everyone but not wanting to show anything more for now. 

stardew valley slow burn X Nonbinary ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now