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I woke up to seb taking his hoodie off and getting ready to take a shower. I got up too and stretched. he looked over and smiled softly, I didn't feel like talking just yet so I got up as slowly as I could. My body felt sore and my brain was foggy. I heard seb start the shower then he came out. "Hey why don't you take a shower first. I prefer cold ones in the morning." He handed me a towel and left the room. I smiled to myself and got up to take care of myself.

After a few hours seb came back with Victor, sam, and Abby. We all hung around, and I felt alot better. Usually my time will only last 3 days, Abby interrupted my thoughts by talking about Sofia. Victor had looked at his phone, "yeah I'm not sure. It just didn't work out I guess. I really liked her but I couldn't be whatever she needed." He sighed. i then looked at my phone and she still hasn't responded to my message, she did read it yesterday though. i looked at abby who was smiling at me and sat really close to me. she asked if i was the cuddling type and i laughed and said yeah, sometimes. she put my head on her lap and braided bits of my hair that were long enough to braid. the boys all stared at us confused. Abby then asked if i was up for an adventure and i said sure, we went to cindersnap where she told me about an old wizard that lives in the tower over here and she told me stories her mom told her as a kid. 

on the way we saw sofia talking to the trader and buying something. i yelled her name and waved she smiled shyly and joined us. Abby asked how shes been and she nodded and mumbled. i nudged her and smiled at her asking why she hadnt replied to me. she apologized and said she meant to but forgot to press send and when she realized it was too late to reply and she ended up freaking out about it so she had bought me something from the trader to apologize. it was a sweet berry gem seed. the fruit is said to be inedible but almost no can get their hands on the seeds so it goes for alot when you actually produce a berry. "thanks sof. this is really sweet, no pun intended." she laughed and we saw the tower. it looked cool, he had a nice little farm in the front and *Hi so leo has officially let me, Karrie or K take over almost all his stories. from now on it is me, i hope you enjoy!*     A small boy hanging out looking like he was meditating. Abs tried to say hi but he screamed and vanished into thin air only to be hiding behind my leg. 

"hello. im Cam. What's your name?"

The child ran inside and we left after a few minutes realizing no one else would be coming from that tower. 

"do you think he lives alone?"

"that would be the dream"

"abs i dont think thats "the dream" for a maybe 7 year old."

"I yeah not having parents...its sucks abby."

"jeez im sorry, but you guys knew what i meant. for me its the dream. not for a child."

Soon we all separated. I walked sof home and she said goodnight abruptly. i think it went well. I headed toward my house and saw robin and seb working on my bathroom. they greeted me when they saw me and we all walked up to their house. Seb and i started to talk about the flower dance more since it was coming up and neither of us seemed excited. He had told me he only ever danced because he had to, Abby loved the dance so he was always forced to participate. We got to our room where we ended up spending the night talking about the books in sebs room, his job, and well almost everything.

"yeah so we play Solerion every week, its usually just vic and sam and i. But we did convince Elliot and Shane to join for the next game, hey maybe if you wanna you can join."

"I dont think ive ever played. id love to. do you think we can do a test game before that though?"

"oh yeah how about tomorrow when sam comes over?" 

I smiled and then seb got a notification to play some games with his group. I went upstairs to talk more to maru who was in her room building something. She invited me in and asked me to hold a piece which ended up electrocuting me and i spent a few hours with Harvey. 

"you know you shouldnt touch her projects without special gloves."

"aw doc, how was i supposed to know thatll happen! she didnt even warn me till it was too late."

"yeah thats why no one helps her anymore. anyway hows been your first week?"

"its good. i think i really love it here, but now i just need to start focusing on my actual job. I cant rely on this old joja money for long."

"you were very smart to save your joja paychecks at such a young age. ive never known a 16 year old to save their money the way you have, and your work ethic is insane."

He continued complimenting me on my life choices. He didnt know why i was working so hard and why i didnt waste my money. I had come out to my parents when i was 16, it didnt go well. They kicked me out but let me rent out the garage and since it wasnt a real place to live and i didnt get any real living necessities it was only 10$ a month as long as i never entered their home for any reason and they never saw me they didnt care. then when i was 18 i finally got a dirt cheap apartment and lived there until now. Part of me wanted to stop his praise, i felt like it was wrong to hear these thing about myself. I felt pathetic and like a lier for the way Harvey saw me but i swallowed the feeling and just nodded instead.

"ok its late you should head home. Hey cam...if you want to id like to spend some free time with you. if you have time and would like to you should come up to the fountain up by the old community center."

"that sounds fun. tuesday?"

and with that harvey was added to my phone contacts. 

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