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all my crops were sold and i made bank. i spent most of the rest of spring hanging out with shane and talking to martin, martin had told me how he feels about claire and asked for my help. I told him i would only for claire to break his heart at the bus stop on the last day of spring. It was sad. But today its super hot and i want to head to the beach, the problem was a bathing suit. I decided to wear trunks and headed down to find leah leaving her house in a big shirt. 

"oh hey cam! you headed to the beach too?"


"oh come this way, its a shortcut."

she took me through a cluttered area and we were at the beach where the entire town seemed to already be. Lewis was standing at the dock talking to willy and gus, i saw marnie and marlon talking closer to the water, pam was asleep under an umbrella and penny was in the water with maru, victor, sofia, and hayley. I saw elliot wave to us and head over, his hair was down and it looked like he had a small braid on a little bit of the hair. "hey there! haven't seen you in a bit." he went in for a hug, i awkwardly accepted. "and of course my best friend." he hugged leah as well. We all walked over to a spot near elliots place and set our stuff down, leah went to the water after ripping her shirt off. elliot and i sat down and people watched. 

"i feel like i havent seen you in forever. how are you?"

"im well. how about you?"

"im good. are you gonna swim?"

i looked at him, he wasnt wearing swimming trunks just shorts and no shirt. Which wasnt a problem i mean he looked amazing. "ah no i dont want my hair wet. the salt water isnt good for it." ah that tracks. i smiled and told him i was going in, it was hot and i didnt want to stay in the sun like this. i ran  onto the pier and yelled for everyone in to watch out but as soon as i was about to jump in sam grabbed my waist and pulled me into him causing him to make the splash and me to follow. we were both under the water when i opened my eyes to see him smiling at me stupidly. i laughed and swam up to cough after getting water in my lungs a little, we laughed again and alex joined us nudging the two of us.

we all swam there for a bit then decided to play water games. after a bit i swam back to shore to see shane getting water wings on jas and helping vincent with his as well, jodi was with caroline talking about how good shane is with kids but how bad of a person he is. i went up to help him. "hey guys" Jas screamed hello and vincent smiled at me with the biggest eyes. I helped vincent since jas was having more trouble, Shane looked at me and thanked me as the kids started to run toward the water. "Your trunks are cool." I looked down at my trans flag shorts and thanked him. We sat at his little towel base where we drank and watched the kids play. The town seemed happy, it felt nice. I thought about how in zuzu if i wanted to go to the beach it would be traffic for hours and when we finally got there it too crowded to find a place to sit, even if we did find a spot it wasnt this nice ever. then once the sun went down itd be so cold that being there in a bathing suit was your worst mistake. i decided to leave before anyone else and said my goodbyes, shane and alex asked to walk me home but i told both of them i wasnt heading home just yet. i went to cindersnap to explore for a bit. 

"cam...what are you doing this far in the forest?" 

i could hear a weird singing south of the forest and started following it to be stopped by Rasmodius, the town wizard. I havent seen much of him since i met him but he seemed very kind, kinda weird but not bad. it helped that he was overly attractive. I turned to him snapping out of whatever trance i was in, "oh hello again. sorry i heard something. its probably just the heat." i smiled and started walking toward him. "yes...well let me walk you back, to be safe." we walked up to his tower and i fainted. When i woke up i was in a big bed with purple silk sheets, a small boy was on the bed reading a book to me. "hello..." i said groggily, he looked at me with a big smile then screamed and ran away. "uh...ok then." i tried to get up but the room felt like it was spinning. i almost threw up but shut my eyes and took a deep breathe and swallowed making sure not to make a mess of the room i was in. I laid back down listening to everything that was happening, there was rain and it sounded like thunder outside. I could hear a few different voices outside the room and i could hear a high pitched sing song voice. I took another breathe and got up, the room wasnt spinning anymore and i was able to walk outside. I saw Rasmodius, the small child, abby, and a man with pinkish red hair. "hello" they all turned to me with a shocked look, the small boy ran up and grabbed my hand with a smile and brought me to a chair. i looked around taking in everything, it looked like a proper wizards lair just like in books. Then i spotted a small apple that looked like it was alive. it was making the sing song noises, i just stared at it though. 

"Hello. im Lance. Magnus this is your problem for now. we may speak of it later if you wish." He spoke to me as he shook my hand, i was confused did he think my name was magnus? "yes i understand. thank you again lance." rasmodius replied and walked the handsome pink haired man out. The small boy started to trace my hand and the scars that had healed over many years. "howd you get these?" he asked me quietly. "this one was when i was about 4, i tried to help my mom cook dinner and didnt know to not touch the oven yet. this one was a dog, i got scared and he reacted to my fear. this one i fell out of my grandpa's' truck. this one i fell from a tree. this was another kitchen accident." they were all fairly small cuts, over the years they healed very well but talking and looking at them like this made me happy remembering all those things. they hurt when it happened but it was fun to remember it all, i looked at the kids face he smiled as if he had experienced all the scars himself. "thank you for telling me. here have some of this, it smells terrible but its super good for you!" he handed me a thick green liquid. i smiled and contemplated if i had lived a good enough life and chugged it, soon the wizard had returned to us and yelled at the boy for giving me the drink. i got dizzy and saw weird shapes for a bit but then felt fine. "cam....are you alright?" i nodded "what you drank its...its not for the mundane." i looked at the boy then the apple creature. "hello cam...can you hear me now?" i almost screamed but again just nodded continuing my need to not open my mouth. I felt as if i did everything would come back up. "see master i told you! shes amazing!" the apple jumped onto my lap and smiled "they. young morgan. you of all people should understand that not everyone fits into the gender category" the wizard grabbed the boys shoulder pulling him away from me. the apple started to talk again. "will you help us cam? oh please, i know you can but will you?" i looked around, nothing made sense and yet it all did at the same time. i spoke finally saying yes to this little creature, it told me to meet them at the community center tomorrow morning. then it vanished. 

"well those are the junimos." and the rest of my night i learned that these stories i heard as a child were real. that a video game was based off junimos in the mines playing games themselves. 

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