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Seb and I sat in silence. After a little I said goodbye and headed home, I answered his questions mainly just "whyd you move here. Whyd you choose farming" you know the typical stuff. When I got in bed I started thinking about the questions he had asked though, it is typical for people to wonder why I moved here but hardly anyone did. He seemed more curious about what it was like outside of this town but it was like he wasn't allowed to leave? When I woke up it was 6am again. That stupid rooster really won't let me sleep in. And I didn't know where it was coming from, I have no chickens and it doesn't make sense for me to be able to hear the ranches chickens.

Sofia:hey cam? You awake?

I answered the door to Sofia waiting for me, she had on a light blue almost white crop top and paint covered blue jeans. She had pink sneakers on with paint splattered on them.

Sofia:are you busy today?
Cam:not really, i planned on cleaning up the farm.
Sofia:oh...well I don't want
Cam:i planned it but id be happy to procrastinate if you have something fun planned?
Sofia:no its ok, maybe when you're more settled?

And she left. I was sad but I'm sure its not my fault why she left. Either way I did need to get ontop my farm work. This place is pretty bad, and I don't have any tools to clean with. I headed to marnies where i saw a sign that said she was doing her weekly exercise class at Caroline's. Before I walked out Shane came out of his room.

Shane:did...did you need something
Cam:just help i guess? I gave my tools to clint to fix them up but I kinda forgot I needed to clean up my farm.
Shane:...youre an idiot.
Cam:well the tools were old and rusted so they wouldn't have done much good anyhow.
Shane:...hold on.

He went through a door in the kitchen and I stood by the microwave and waited. I saw jas appear next to me starring at the door with me. I screamed when I noticed her.

Jas:so whatcha doing?
Cam:um waiting for Shane. Sorry I screamed i didn't hear you come up. you like my uncle? I heard you bought him a no no drink the other day.
Cam:honestly he was rude to me so I bought him a drink so he'd be nice to me. that make boys like you?
Cam:not sure, but he seems kinder now.
Jas:so if I bought Vincent something he likes do you think he'd be nicer to me?
Cam:maybe. I can't be sure hun.
Jas:i should go. I dont wanna be late to class.

Jas ran out and Shane came back in. He was holding a backpack with 2 sets of iridium tools.

Shane:they are old but iridium doesn't rust so it'll be fine. Ready to go?
Cam:wait...youre gonna help me?
Shane:yeah. I dont wanna go to work today so let's go. You have to buy me meals though.

We headed up and he handed me my set as we both started hacking at the trees. He made a pile for everything so I could sell or make things. It was 6pm and we finished. My farm looked brand new and we were severely hungry and thirsty.

Shane:let's go to the saloon.

We dropped our tools infront of my shack of a house and headed past the old bus station.

Cam:so tell me the story of the bus
Shane:let's sit first then ill talk.

We ordered and sat in a booth, the saloon started to fill with people. I saw Harvey and remembered I had said I'd come by but completely forgot. I'll apologize later and come by tomorrow.

Shane:so thats how the bus broke. Its also why everyone is pretty angry with Pam. We tried to fix it but Lewis said there wasn't enough money to in the town budget.
Cam:wow thats really shitty. So what does just no one leave town?
Shane:i guess not. When I think about it we've got most everything to run on our own, I mean the sheep have wool and we can make cloth pretty quick and easy, Emily has a whole set up to die and sew clothes. Obviously the food situation is good since we have a farm and a fisherman.
Cam:maybe thats why Sébastien hates it here
Shane:you met seb? Yeah he had a chance to leave with his dad to zuzu years ago but he didn't take it and a few weeks later the bus got broken and he never was able to go. Now his dad is gone and no one in town has his number.
Emily:hey you really shouldn't tell other people's stories, Shane.
Shane:shes right. Sorry.
Cam:well either way thats a shame about the bus.

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