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I woke up later than usual, I didn't hear that god forsaken bird this time. I saw seb asleep on his computer and walked over to him.

Cam:seb? Hey wake up

I grabbed my blanket and wrapped it around him, then I took all the dirty mugs surrounding his computer and room and brought them upstairs. Maru and her dad were talking in the lab which looked like it used to be a nice kitchen but got redone.

Maru:howd you sleep?
Cam:well. Thank you, where's the kitchen?
Maru:oh let me show you

She walked in front of me and took a few mugs to lighten my load, she started talking about how much bacteria must be in the cups and I tried not to think about how many times he reused the same cup before getting a new one.

Maru:one day I think it'd be cool to put one of his cups under a microscope but I think he'd kill me
Cam:why not ask? seb and I don't get along. He hates me...not sure why but he does
Cam:oh. I'm really sorry. Maybe one day he'll come around, but I'm sure its not your fault
Maru:i know why he hates me I just wish I could help it. He...he feels betrayed by his mom for marrying someone else and having a kid with them. Then with my dad hating seb doesn't help either. But I love seb and my mom and my its sucks.

She walked off as Demetrius called her name. I started washing his mugs and some other dishes and started coffee for seb. As I finished i started to head back down with 2 cups, one for me and one for seb. Then Demetrius stopped me at the top of the stairs.

D: so howd you sleep
Cam:I slept fine. Thanks.
D:you know Sébastien isn't really a good influence. If I were you I'd spend my time with maru instead.
Cam:thanks. I'm gonna go back downstairs now.
D:im just saying you seem like a smart boy and you shouldn't waste time with a lowlife.

I was about to punch this guy. He didn't know when to quit and he was so rude for no reason. Even if he had a reason there is no point in dragging me into it, but now that he has...

Cam: 1 I'm nonbinary. 2 don't tell me who to hang out with. Your opinion is meaningless to me. You are not only a stranger but a pushy one. And 3 don't insult or drag a person down especially when they are being kind and helpful to someone else and even more so when they are your own stepson. Just cause you're good at science doesn't make you a worthwhile human. Now move.

I started downstairs to see the door cracked when I definitely closed it, when I opened the door seb was on his bed texting someone. I set the cups down on his table and started looking for my phone to see a text from Elliot wanting to hang out.

Seb:so whats your plans for today?
Cam:I think I'm gonna hang out with Elliot. What about you?
Seb:well its Friday so ill hang out with Sam, victor and Abby at the saloon. You should come by, we meet there when the sunsets.
Cam:wait isn't it Thursday? I felt like I slept for 2 days. I guess I'll probably just finish up my work then go to bed.
Cam:you definitely need the sleep. I'll see you later.

I headed down to the beach where Elliot told me to meet him. On my way Shane stopped me.

Cam:hey whats up?
Shane:going to work. Are you busy Saturday?
Cam:not yet. Why
Shane:marnie wants you to come over. I think she heard about your house upgrades and wants to see if your interested in raising animals
Cam:sure I'll be happy to come by. Who knows maybe I'll end up loving having animals.

We went our separate ways and I heard the town start their daily stuff. Alex was playing with his gridball, Penny was gathering the kids, Lewis was tending to his garden, and the museum curator was at the town garden as well. I got to the beach to see Elliot and a bunch of wood and 2 hammers.

stardew valley slow burn X Nonbinary ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now