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Dylan in the MM.

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"Did you call Daniel?" My mother asked as she cut into her savory steak. I sipped my mimosa and shook my head as I looked around the country club. So many faces that looked nothing like mine and the ones that did were altered.

It made me nauseous.

"Well you should. What did I tell you about letting a good man slip away?" She asked as she blinked, her artificially colored eyes staring into my dark brown ones. I played with my salad as I swallowed hard.

"Mother I didn't-"

"I don't want to hear it. Do you want to make the same mistakes as your sister? Going from one dead beat to another? Huh?" She hissed as she gripped her knife and fork. I felt my eyes prickle but I swallowed the lump back as I shook my head.


"So call the boy back. His family comes from riches. Why pass that up?" My mother always focused on one thing and one thing only. Money. Whether it came from a man, or it came from working. It's all she really cared about.

It was her true love. Even before my father who died a few years ago from a heart attack that left my mother with every single asset. He wasn't my sisters father, my mother having an affair when they were separated when I was ten. My younger sister didn't have it easy, always fighting with our parents and rebelling against their wishes.

I wish I was as brave as her.

She had two kids from two different men and lived in the projects. My mom kicked her out both times, but my dad saved her the first time. When she was pregnant with my nephew, he convinced my mother to let her move back in. She got pregnant again after he died so my mom left her with nothing.

From time to time I would try and help out, but my sister and I didn't have a good relationship. She always thought I was my parents favorite and it caused a rift between us. She would always steal from me or make fun of me for how quiet I was.

She didn't even help me when-

Never mind.

I shook away my thoughts and looked up to see my mom staring down at my exposed thigh. I swallowed hard and slowly pulled my skirt down to hide the silver scars that polluted my dark skin as I looked away, the tears burning the corner of my eyes.

"You better not start that nonsense again, Dylan Azura."

"No ma'am." I responded quietly as I stared down at my plate. I wanted nothing more than to be in my bed with the A/C blaring and my diffuser putting me to sleep.

Just a few more hours.

Brunch went on in an awkward silence until mom decided she wanted to head back to her job. I thanked God and paid for the bill as I usually did before making my way to work. I walked a few blocks to the office and walked into the building, showing my ID and slipping into the elevator.

"Ms. Williams." I heard my boss call out as I stepped out of the elevator. My heels clicked against the marble floors as I walked over to his office, staring up at the tall dark skinned man who smiled his charming smile in my direction.

"Mr. Robinson." I nodded curtly. He stepped to the side and I walked into his office, watching as he scurried over and sat at his desk. I sat down and crossed my legs, watching as his eyes traveled down my body and back up before smiling at me.

"Ms. Williams. I know you're involved in the new habitat for humanity collaboration we have going on, correct?" He asked as he started to type on his computer.

"Yes." I responded blandly. He nodded and continued to type before turning in his chair slightly to stare at me.

"If I were to place you in the office downtown, would you do it?"

"You mean like run the office on my own?" I asked.

"Well..technically you'll be running the entire clinic."

I stopped my jaw from dropping as I swallowed hard, clenching my fists in excitement. I've been working here for three years and never once have I ever even promoted until today. I wanted to scream, I wanted to jump around and dance. I wanted to cry and drop to my knees and thank the Lord. I wanted to twerk, I wanted to be able to call my family and tell them the good news.

But I couldn't. So instead I held my composure, clearing my throat and nodding curtly as I shook his hand, accepting the offer.

"Great. Here's the paperwork you need to sign. I expect the entire folder to be filled out by tonight. You can fax it from home or leave it on my desk." He handed me a thick yellow folder and I nodded as I stood to my feet, smoothing down my dress. I turned on my heels and walked to my desk, placing the folder on my desk and walking to the bathroom. I shut the door and locked it before letting out a breath, my face breaking into a large smile.

"Daddy I'm doing it. I'm doing it. I'm going to run my own clinic. I'm so excited, God I wish I could hug you. You're the only person I can tell. I love you." I whispered as I fanned my face. I wiped under my eyes before walking out to my desk and sitting down. I spent my entire day packing up my desk and filling out the last of my paperwork. I made sure to finish every single piece, placing the folder on my boss' desk before walking out to meet Stacy for dinner.

"...so she chipped my nail and I had to her a whole new set. I told her I wasn't paying for it. She was so mad." Stacy chuckled, causing the other girls to laugh. We were at a lounge in the center of Manhattan for dinner. I sipped my wine as I watched everyone eat their salad dishes before cutting into my steak.

"My God, how do you maintain such a nice shape, Dylan? Here we are eating salads and you're enjoying a steak." Kelsey scoffed causing me to calmly place my fork down. I was too tired to sit here and play Barbie. I expected it to just be Stacy and I, not the entire kkk.

I was over it.

"I think I'm going to call it a night." I stated swiftly, all of them groaning and cooing in disappointment.

"You okay?" Stacy asked.

"I have an early morning tomorrow. Have a goodnight, guys." I breathed as I placed my portion of the bill onto the table, grabbing my to go container and walking out of the the restaurant. I felt their stares on my back and watched from the window as they started to walk, all three of them huddled around the table and laughing under their breaths.

"Hm." I hummed before starting to walk to my apartment, ignoring the sinking feeling in my chest. It didn't matter that they spoke about me after I left.

They would never say it to my face. That's what mattered.

My heels clicked and clicked, the familiar complex filling my vision as I walked toward it. The familiar sound of coins jiggling at the bottom of a plastic cup filled my ears and I looked down. It was the same parson from last night, my scarf still wrapped around their shoulders. I leaned down and placed my to-go plate in front of them before slipping another twenty into their cup.

"Enjoy. I'll see you tomorrow."

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