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"Open the door. Please, Dylan." Stacy groaned as we both knocked on the bathroom door again. After what happened at the country club, Dylan made her way home alone and I ended up catching a ride with Stacy. She wasn't all that bad. A little annoying, but she came to my girls defense and that's what mattered.

I knew those bitches were fake the moment they walked over to the table. But to call my angel a slur just because she was becoming more comfortable being herself? That's unacceptable. I should've bashed shawty's head into the table and ripped out her extensions. Her real hair looked dead compared to them, all bleached and unhealthy.

It was a disgrace.

"Just..go away.." Dylan sniffed causing my heart to break into a million pieces. I heard her let out a low sob and I sighed before looking at Stacy who had a tear streaming down her face.

"Dylan you're my best friend. I would never allow them to get away with saying stuff like that-"

"Then why were you all talking about me the night we all had dinner? Huh?" Dylan yelled from behind the door causing me to scoff and glare down at Stacy who shot me a confused look before the realization dawned on her.

"Oh! That's the first time they did that and I left right after telling them about themselves. I haven't spoken to them since. It's why Kate was acting like that. They were trying to say that you had-"

"I don't want to hear it. You didn't even give me a heads up. I would've never let them sit at the table if you had told me."

She has a point.

"I take full accountability for that. But I would never talk bad about you, Dylan. You're an amazing young woman and you didn't deserve that at all. It's why I defended you both times behind your back instead of entertaining them. Please believe me." Stacy was on the brink of tears at this point and I sighed before taking out my pocket knife and picking the lock, the bathroom door opening slightly.

"Come on, ma." I breathed as I pushed it open all the way. Dylan was curled up in a ball next to the bath tub, her face clear of makeup and her natural hair in a bun. She was in a pair of my sweats and a large t-shirt, her eyes blood shot red from crying.

"I just want to be alone-"

"I won't allow that." I stated strongly causing both women to look at me in shock. I nodded as I took a step forward and looked between them before swallowing hard and getting my words together.

"You been through too much by yaself, mama. You don't needa be alone. Stacy a real one fa sure. She may not have told you which was wrong, but she defended you behind ya back. She checked on you after the brunch with ya moms. In the car she was tellin' me how much she loves you and how she hated them girls. She was cryin ha eyes out cause she thought you hated ha. What fake friend would care that much? Them bitches didn't even remember ya birthday. Stacy did. I'm just sayin'. End of the day it's up to you, babe. But I ain't goin no where so don't bother."

Stacy was nodding in agreement with me, her face red as she cried while watching as Dylan slowly stood up from the ground, wiping her face as she looked at both of us with exhausted eyes.

"You smoke, Stacy?" Dylan suddenly asked, causing the young white girl to furrow her brows in confusion. Dylan smirked slightly as she pulled out her jar of pre rolls before looking up at me.

"That's just ha way of sayin yall good." I breathed, still staring at Dylan as she smiled at me before leaning in and kissing my check.

"O-oh. Okay good. Good I'm glad. Can I just say your apartment is fucking amazing? And your hair-"

"You're pushing it, Stace. Chill. You can take a tour. I want to talk to Rayne alone for a second." Dylan stated with a small grin on her face as her fingers laced with mine. Stacy nodded, taking off her shoes and stepping out of the bathroom, mumbling that if Kate was to see this she would shit herself from envy as she looked around.

"Thank you.." Dylan breathed as she shut the door to the bathroom, my hand never leaving hers as she walked back toward me and laid her head on my chest.

"Just doin my job. I'm here fa you, ma. Would never steer you wrong." I whispered. She looked up at me and leaned in, kissing my lips softly. I kissed her back, it turning deep and passionate as her hands wrapped around my neck as mine found her waist, my hands sliding down and gripping her ass.

"Mm if she wasn't here I would've let you take me right now..I need it.." She groaned quietly causing me to smirk against her lips before pecking them again.

"I mean..we could-"

"Nope. Don't tempt me. I wouldn't want to stop." She whispered before allowing her tongue to trail up my neck to my chin before kissing my Adam's apple causing me to moan softly as my dick became harder than it already was.

"You bad."

"You made me this way." She chuckled before opening the bathroom door and calling out for her friend and leaving me alone to adjust myself.

"Oh my God, this is so good..Dylan you have the whole package here." Stacy moaned as she bit into her chicken. Since we didn't get to finish dinner I decided I wanted to cook for my angel and her friend. One thing about me was I always knew how to throw down in the kitchen. It didn't matter where I was, I always found a way.

I settled on some baked Mac and cheese with some homemade fried Buffalo chicken and beef pull aparts with Hawaiian bread. I knew they were going to be hungry since they were smoking. I took a few pulls but knew not to overdue it because of my history and routine drug tests the program makes us take. I didn't care if Dylan was the director of the clinic, I didn't want any special treatment.

Getting your life together means making certain sacrifices and I was willing to do that no matter what strings could be pulled. I wasn't that type of person to take advantage of my blessings.

"Right..when she first moved here she always made sure dinner was ready when I got home. It's one of the things I love about her." Dylan grinned causing my cheeks to heat up slightly as I sat down with my plate along with a large jug of kool aid.

"What is that?" Dylan asked, causing me to touch my chest in faux hurt.

"Girl that's koolaid! Even I know that." Stacy chuckled, her eyes low and red from smoking with my angel. Dylan rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Well we all know I wasn't raised with fried chicken and koolaid. It was kale chips and seltzer water." Dylan scoffed, causing me to shake my head in annoyance as Stacy pouted.

"Well I'm white trash from North Carolina. I was raised in a house of eight where we ate kfc everyday and ingested Marlboro reds for dessert."

Both Dylan and I looked at Stacy in shock who continued to nonchalantly eat her chicken before looking up at us and shrugging.

"You never told me that." Dylan breathed quietly. Stacy sighed, the tears welling in her eyes as she suddenly swallowed hard as she nodded.

"You never told me much about you, so I didn't want to just bare my whole soul. I just wanted a friend and you were that friend. Didn't know a damn thing about me but still wanted to be around me. I didn't want that to change. Every person I told started to act weird, so I stopped telling."

Dylan stood up and walked over to Stacy before wrapping her arms around her, Stacy's eyes widening in shock before slowly wrapping her arms around Dylan.

"I'm here now. As transparent as I can be."

Her Helping Hand. (W|W, INTERSEX.) Where stories live. Discover now