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"Tell me you love me.." I whispered against Rayne's mouth as I moved up and down on her shaft, her hardness slipping deep inside of me with every motion I made. We both moaned against each other's mouths, it being after five in the morning. The sun slipped through the curtains as it rose into the sky, Rayne's lips finding my neck and sucking on my skin as her fingers entangled with my hair. It's been a few weeks since that night Stacy and I made up, and it's been nothing but blissful.

I've been the one bugging her this time. We've had sleep overs and met up for dinner twice a week, all three of us also having brunch on the weekends. I haven't heard from my mother or sister which was expected, and I made sure to block them as well as Kaitlyn, Kelsey and Sasha. I couldn't believe them, but I was grateful that I at least had one friend to do things with.

Stacy was now the person I did almost everything with besides Rayne of course. She even confessed that Daniel wasn't really her cousin and was an old friend she met at a press conference a while back. Her family disowned her after she got a full ride scholarship to NYU for business and administration. It made me sad to hear that, but I was grateful that she was strong enough to build a career for herself.

Mine and Rayne's relationship continues to blossom almost everyday. She talks more and more when we're alone, even cracking jokes to herself. But nothing beats the dirty talk when we have sex.

At all.

"I love you so much..I'm happy ta show you in every single way.." Rayne moaned as she slipped my nipple into her mouth and sucking aggressively causing me to shudder as my hips bucked. I started to move faster on her cock, bouncing up and down before moving slowly, the sound of my wetness filling the room as I took her all the way in.

She started to move her hips, her arms wrapped around my waist as she pounded inside from under me, both of our moans growing louder and louder and I gasped, my body breaking into goosebumps as I started to cum, my wetness dripping from inside of me. Rayne grunted as she pulsated inside of me before filling me up with her cum, both of our movements slowing down as we started to kiss again.

"Mm, what a wake up call." I moaned and giggled against her mouth causing her to chuckle and nod in agreement as I slid from on top of her. I yawned and checked the time before groaning and sitting up.

"It's time to go to work." I grumbled. After Michael got arrested, I've been making sure the clinic was locked down with tight rules and regulations which has been adding to my caseload. I managed to partner with detectives who agreed to doing background screenings on all the clients that we accept into the program.

It was no longer walk-ins. It was a screening where we drug test you, check your background history as well as a mental health screening. Ronald thought it was a wonderful idea, but he always agreed with everything I wanted considering he couldn't keep his eyes off my breasts the entire time.

We also hired security personnel, Rayne installing security cameras as well as an alarm system. We now had four security guards at the front door and the back door, patrolling every single hallway and room that we had in intervals.

It was exhausting, but also securing everyone's safety including my own. I've been feeling winded the last few days, becoming more tired than usual. But I pushed through knowing I had more things to focus on.

"How you feelin?" Rayne asked as I slowly stood from the bed and stretched, my natural hair curtaining my face. I've been slowly taking off the mask that was embedded by my mother, slowly falling in love with my authentic self. My hair was long and healthy considering I've been wearing protective styles almost my entire life. I wanted to feel free from the grasp of expectations that were put on me from a young age.

"I'm okay. Tired but okay."

"Doctor?" Rayne asked as she stood from the bed and grabbed her toiletry bag. I nodded and huffed as I grabbed mine as well and we walked to the bathroom together.

"She was booked so I can see her in a few weeks. I'll just tough it out as I've been doing." I sighed as I turned the shower on.

"Maybe take tha week off." Rayne suggested as we both stepped into the shower. I sighed and scrubbed my skin as I allowed the warm water to run through my scalp, my blown out hair returning to its natural curly state.

"And watch my clinic run to the ground? No thanks. I'll be fine, babe. Seriously. It's almost the weekend."

"Ima pamper you. You need a break, ma."

"Mm..yeah, maybe." I sighed. We finished our shower and got dressed. I decided on something more comfortable, a pair of black tights and a black turtleneck with a pair of black Ugg's. I slipped on my white faux jacket before moisturizing my hair and putting some leave in conditioner to define my curls.

I walked downstairs and Rayne handed me a cup of coffee but I wrinkled my nose and shook my head, suddenly feeling dizzy at the smell.

"No thank you, baby. I feel a little green." I grumbled as I grabbed a mint from the candy bowl I had on my dinner table and popping it into my mouth.

"Aw, ma. You got a tummy ache?" Rayne pouted as she wrapped her arms around my waist, her hand rubbing my stomach softly. I groaned at the warmth of her hand soothing my stomach as I nodded.

"Probably all that pasta I ate last night. I don't know what came over me. I was so hungry."

"Well..you ain't eat all day from feeling sick. Seems like you can only eat when ya get home." Rayne breathed before holding the elevator door open for me, allowing me to step in first.

"Hm..yeah. Seems so." I pondered, my thoughts turning as I touched my queasy stomach. That pasta really was amazing. It had prawns and all other shellfish in it. Rayne always knew how to impress me.

I ate the entire pot and then downed it with some of the kool aid she made. It could simply be that combo not sitting right with me. But it couldn't explain the cramps considering I ended my period earlier in the month.


I opened the window as the cab driver drove us to the clinic, leaning my head against the cool glass. The feeling kept getting worse and worse, and by the time we reached the clinic I was more dizzy than I was earlier.

"I got ya, I got ya." Rayne breathed as she caught me from stumbling over myself. I groaned and bent over, squatting down and putting my head in between my legs.

"You burnin up, ma. Are you sure you can go in? You sweatin, babe." Rayne stated out of concern. I stood up slowly, holding onto her arm as I nodded, before shaking my head as I started to vomit onto the pavement, causing her to gasp and hold my hair back.

"Yeah, let's get you home, baby. They a be fine without us."

Her Helping Hand. (W|W, INTERSEX.) Where stories live. Discover now